chapter 12

19 1 7

Tigerlily and I talk that night over roasted rat (anything tastes good after almost starving to death). I apologize for what had happened with Zunti. She's hesitant to accept, but she finally does. I decide to take a risk and kiss her on the cheek. When I pull away, she seems mad, but then leans in and kisses me. On the lips. I want to pull away, but I don't. Then something clicks in my brain: I love her. I never loved Zunti. We separate, and I whisper, "I love you." Just that.

"I love you too." 

* * *

Lila and I go to collect water.

"So," she says.

"So what?"

"So are you and Tigerlily... like... back together now?"

"What??? No!!!" I exclaim, turning away so she won't see me blush.

"Ummmm... well, you two kissed last night, so... I mean... I just assumed..."

"Ok. Fine. We are back together. Happy now?"

Lila smirks.

"Oh, come on!" I say, rolling my eyes at her. I can see the Cornucopia reflecting the dangerous sunbeams off its metal surface.

"Be careful of the sunb-" I start to say, when a voice is projected all throughout the Arena.

"Attention! All remaining Tributes must come to the Cornucopia at once. For each Tribute, there is a backpack holding anything you most need. The Feast will begin in five minutes."

Lila and I look at each other.

"I'm fast," she says. "I'll get the water while you get the backpack."


"Here," she hands me the pocketwatch I had seen Caroline pull out of her backpack. "You won't get burned."

"But what about-"

"I'll be fine. Besides, I've got binoculars." She winks and hides behind a tree. "Use this to collect it." Lila hands me a sort of tube made from tree bark.


"Now go!" She pushes me out onto the ice.

* * *

Guilt. That's all I feel when I see the hole in the ice where Zunti had fallen. I silently apologize to her as I lean down to collect the water. A countdown had started.


Inside the Cornucopia, seven backpacks appeared on a table.


I ran back to our hiding spot with the water.


Lila prepared herself.


I did to, without her knowing.


I catch a glimpse of green hair; Dracon.


A boy a little shorter than Dracon was standing next to him; Seth.


Two figures appear through the trees; Tigerlily and Eve.


my heart pounds in my chest.


I get ready to bolt for the backpack with the 12 on it.


I run for the backpack.

Someone behind me calls, "What are you doing?"

Probably Lila. The wind rushes in my ears as I grab the 12 backpack and run back to Lila.

Dracon grabs the 2 backpack, and guards the other ones. In my head, I tell Tigerlily to please be safe, but when I look back on her side, she's gone. Then, right before my eyes, Tigerlily appears behind Dracon and knocks him out. She grabs the other 12 backpack, and the 13 one for Eve. I resist the urge to clap. Lila rushes for the 7 backpack, and I catch sight of Seth behind her.

"Lila!!! Look out!" I yell, but it was too late. An arrow peirces through her, and she falls to the ground. Seth retreats. The cannon fires. 

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