chapter 11

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Sunnca died last night while on guard duty. Tryla and I are sure as to who killed her. Seth and Dracon are the only group who would definitely do something like this. We found her with an arrow through her heart. Tryla had tears in her eyes, and I had the urge to comfort her. So I did. She cried into my shoulder for a while before saying, "She was my best friend. We were like sisters." I weirdly felt for her. Losing Zunti was like that. I tell her we should climb up into a tree to avoid Dracon and Seth again. I help her into a tree a long way away from our camp. We sit on our branches in uncomfortable silence. I never realized, but the entire Arena's sky was covered with clouds. A small part was made in the clouds, allowing a strip of golden sunlight to land on us. At first, I was glad of the warmth. But then, the light started to burn the branch we were sitting on. Before we can grab the trunk of the tree, our branch gives way. We tumble to the ground, and I land on my wrist. Hard. I feel a crack, and splitting pain comes from my wrist. More clouds part, more sunlight shines.

"We need to get away from the light," I say, but Tryla doesn't answer. I look over and see a shriveled skeleton. The cannon fires, announcing the death of Tryla Xnathro.

* * *

I'm alone in the Arena. I don't want to join Dracon and Seth (they would probably kill me in my sleep, or worse), and Tigerlily definitely won't let me into her group, so... here I am. Alone. With a sunburnt skeleton.

Do you know that phrase, 'chasing the clouds'? That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm making sure I don't end up under the sunlight so I don't become whatever Tryla had become. I hear footsteps. Lots of them. I hide behind a tree.

"Give me your arm," says the voice of none other than Tigerlily Everdeen.

"I'm scared," says the voice of Caroline.

"Hey, you'll be ok," Tigerlily says reassuringly. She used to use that tone on me all the time on the days leading up to the Reaping. I had to remind myself that Tigerlily wasn't my girlfriend anymore, and my girlfriend is dead. I had to bite back a sob. My mind is racing. What was it that Tigerlily was gonna do to Caroline? I peek out from my tree and see Tigerlily cutting a chunk of Caroline's arm out. I flinch. A cannon fires. Caroline lays down on the ground, pretending to be dead. A hovercraft just like the one that took Zunti hovers over Caroline and the giant claw lowered down and grabbed her. I accidentally let a squeak out, and Tigerlily sees me. 

* * *

"Why were you spying on us?" Lila demands. She's got a really bad scratch on her arm.

 "I wasn't."

"Oh really? Then how do you explain hiding behind a tree and watching us?" Tigerlily asks. She, too, has a scratch. I notice that now I'm not held to the ground using daggers. Tigerlily is the one holding me down. Her eyes are deadly, her scar bright red. Suddenly, I lose control with myself, and before I know it, I'm kissing Tigerlily. She pulls away.

"What is wrong with you??" She yells, but then kisses me again. This time I pull away, and see Lila and Eve staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Uhhhh... you just kissed Tigerlily Everdeen."


"Tigerlily Everdeen. Your ex-girlfriend," Eve clarifies. I nod.

"So you think just because your girlfriend is dead you can get Tigerlily back?" Lila asks.

"No... I don't really know what just happened," I say.

"Of course you don't." Lila rolls her eyes.

"No, really!! I don't! I guess... I just forgot for a minute..." I trail off.

"Me too," Tigerlily says. "But it's over, and you're still a traitor."

"You still love me," I say quietly.


"You still love me," I say louder. "After all we've been through, you still love me."

"No. No. You're wrong," Tigerlily looks away from me. "I hate you!" And she slaps me again. I smile faintly.

"If you join our group, and if you don't kill us, we might trust you again," Eve says, before Lila can stop her. "Our plan is to cut out our trackers and safely make it out of here," Eve whispers. I shake my head.

"Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to be alone. I joined a group of allies and both of them died fairly quickly."

"We need you to defeat Dracon and Seth with us," Tigerlily says. "We'll make a good team. Please, Jack. That's all I ask." 

I take a deep breath. "Fine." 

We shake on it.

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