Part 1

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(Let's say this is after the Dio fight, and Kakyoin survived, but is hospitalized because of broken ribs and stuff like that. Ok with that statement onto the story!!)

You were walking to school, using the map your mother gave you, you were confused. Then you saw someone with a similar uniform as you. Girls were running somewhere. They had you uniform on, but forgot to put on your watch for the first time in ages. So you followed them, afraid of being tardy on your first day here, and didn't want everyone to look at you when you entered late, and being a new student it was something you had always worried about. 

You trailed after them for a while, munching on your food that took you forever to eat. Holding onto your bag and letting it run into your legs you ran after a few of the girls. Eventually you saw them trailing after a man. He looked like a teacher he was to tall and buff. You were angry, you thought they were rushing to school, but instead following this guy, so you tried asking one of them for directions but they didn't respond thinking you wanted to talk to him. You looked really mad at them, gave one of them the death stare, scaring them in there tracks, then she pointed you to the directions to the school. Little did you know, it caught his attention when she fightingly squealed instead of the usual fangirling way. You smiled and ran off to school trying to ignore their cries when he scream to shut the hell up. You agreed with him under your breath and you walked into the school.

You ended up arriving twenty minutes early. You were happy you found your class, but now you had time to talk with people, but there was no one around, so you pulled out your sketching pad and doodles until class started. Five minutes you were forced to introduce yourself. You stood up and looked around at the class. Everyone was staring at you in shock, you didn't know why, so you said: "hello my name is Y/n I'm an exchange student from America, I moved here because my grandparents needed to come here. I'm here now and I'm excited to meet new people!" You sat back down and scoffed at yourself for the stupid introduction. You felt like those girls fangirling around that poor man. You sat back down, and after twenty minutes passed the man from this morning came in. He looked pissed. 

He grunted at you. You thought he was just being rude so you sat still ignoring him. He stared at you trying to get you to move, but you didn't so he sighed, and sat down at the open desk next to you.

!Permanently Abandoned! My angry man Jotaro x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now