Part 6

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The teacher let you and Jotaro leave earlier than usual, normally Jotaro leaves at this time, but now, he had permission to leave this early. He grabbed your things, and swung them over his shoulder. You started to use your crutches, and immediately started to fall over. Jotaro looked at you, and grabbed your crutches. "hey! I need those!" you tried to grab them back from him, he refused, this made you fall over, because you weren't used to walking, it had been a few days. falling on Jotaro you became embarrassed.  "I can just carry you. Lets go to your next class." he said with a grunt. He grabbed you by your arms, one arm under your arm, the other around your hip, he swung you around. you were on his back. You could smell the distinct smell of cigarettes on him. His curly hair in your eyes. You eventually fell asleep to the rhythm  of his footsteps.

 The bell rung, and kids started trailing out of their classes. The girls that usually trail onto Jotaro were getting mad that you had his attention. And to the fact that you were sleeping so peacefully on his back. Girls started crowing around Jotaro, he was trying to keep you asleep, and so he started walking faster, until the girls couldn't keep up. Eventually he got to the stairs, and took out star platinum. He handed you over to star platinum and carried your things down the stairs to your next class. placing you down in your chair he woke you up. "Y/n, class is starting." you awoke with a jolt, and rubbed your eyes. 

"Oh... Did i fall asleep?"

"You did." He sat down in the chair next to you. For some reason, you started feeling something about Jotaro. He didn't do anything different, but he had been treating you nice all morning. You wondered what was happening, and why he was being nicer. 

"Oh, well, thank you for helping me down to the big stairs too. I'm actually kinda paranoid of going down those stairs now..." you tried to doodle on your page, but it hurt your hand. Sighing, you leaned back in your chair and tried to pay attention to class. 

After class was over, Jotaro picked you up again, trying to talk with him a little you asked about his home life. he just said its normal, like everyone else's.  Eventually it was lunchtime. Jotaro carried you up the stairs, you both sat on the roof. He sat next to you, you pulled your lunch out of your bag, then looked at him, he was probably hungry, and tired. You always had extra forks and chopsticks on you. handing him the chopsticks, he stared at you. "Here, for helping me out today, i feel bad because you carried me everywhere, but my hand is feeling better. So, have as much as you like." he carefully grabbed the chopsticks from you. Then you placed the box of food in front of him. He slowly started eating. You watched him eat, it was kind of creepy, but you were glad he was enjoying it.  After a few minutes, he looked at you, you were looking off the roof since you were bored, and he handed the box back to you. It was practically empty anyways. 

"You can finish it off. I had a big breakfast." You said lying. It usually took you twenty minutes to finish this meal you made yourself, but he finished it in five minutes. He was obviously hungry, so you pushed the box back to him, and let him finish it off. Smiling you stood up, and pulled something out of your pocket. His face lit up a little. It was his cigarettes from the other day.

"I still had some on me. And you've been treating me really nicely, so i thought that i could let you take them and have a smoke or two, i left two in the pack.. If you did something nice for me i thought i should try and give you something in return. " He looked at you, he was somewhat smiling. this was his favorite brand. You secretly kept them because you wanted to be on his good side, and giving him these cigarettes back was what got you on his good side. 

"Thank you y/n...." He said, trialing off with something else at the end of his sentence. He stood up, and moved to the other side of the roof to smoke. You looked at the box of food. you thought it would take him a while to finish off the two cigarettes you thought. You grabbed the box and examined it. It wouldn't be weird if you were just holding the box, you own it. Putting the box deep into your bag, being careful with it, you laid down on the bench and waited for him to come back. It felt like ages. When he came back he looked over at you, and you sat up at him hovering over you. You moved your hands to indicate that you wanted him to pick you up. He grabbed you by the hip, then picked you up by your ass. you started to blush, he then moved you to his back. That was something that was embarrassing to you, but you wanted him to touch you more. before he started moving you rested your hey always on his neck. You guys weren't even dating, but it seemed like you were. "Hey Jotaro..." you asked, the hair on the back of his neck went up.

"yeah?" he asked.

"Do you go anywhere after school?" this broke the silence. he didn't say anything for a while. then he spoke.

"I visit my friend. He was hospitalized a few months ago,  he just woke up a few days ago. I visit him everyday after school. But i have to take you home first, then i can go to the hospital." he sounded sad saying this, and you felt really bad for him, this must be a close friend of his, if he actually cared about him being hospitalized. They seem really close you thought. 

"Well, if you want to... We can go right after school. I wouldn't mind meeting him, are you really close with him?" 

"As close as guy friends can be i guess. Are you sure its fine that we go to the hospital after school? I would be happy to take you home right after school." He sounded nicer than usual. but you insisted that you both went to the hospital after school. So, after all of your classes ended, he took you to your car, and fastened you in the drivers seat, you said you could drive, and it didn't hurt, but it obviously did. After thirty minutes, you finally arrived at the hospital. You were both taken to a hospital room, and there, lying on the bed reading a book. A pink cherry haired man, with lines over his eyes, was sitting on his bed, and when he saw Jotaro, his face lit up, then when he looked at you on Jotaro's back he looked even more excited.

!Permanently Abandoned! My angry man Jotaro x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now