wait a damn minute

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-quick note, this part has some angst and your backstory, also y/m/n is your mothers name, and then y/f/n is your fathers name, also yes that is my dog he is licking the floor and yes he is passed out cold, with that, onto this story part!-

"Jotaro.." you paced around your room, he was really the only persin you could ever think about, constantly on your mind, when you were at school, the store, when you were alone..

"Stop thinking about him y/n!! He's just a dumb boy!!" You collasped on your bed and tried to get him off your mind. "Thinking about my career in the future would help! Yeah!"

But instead of thinking of future jobs or where you would want to live, your mind immediately went to you and Jotaro together... you started thinking about marriage and his beautiful jet black hair.. He was too hot it was overwhelming...

"Jesus Jotaro! What are you doing to me!!!!!!" You rolled around on your bed then actually fell off it.

"Y/N? Are you alright dear, I heard something fall!" You heard your grandmother say from downstairs.

"Oh, yeah-I'm fine grandma, I just.. fell. I'm fine!"

"Alright. Just be a little more careful sweetheart!"

"I will!"

You tried everything, but he wouldn't leave your mind. You needed to see him you needed to kiss him and touch him. You threw on a flannel and shorts and started running to his house. You started singing the teenage mutant ninja turtles intro and once you got to his house you hopped onto the drive way and yelled; "Turtle Power!"

Holly looked outside to see who screamed that and saw y/n hopping around, plopping down by the water and poked the koi inside.

"Jotaro dear, theres somebody here for you!"

"Tell them to go away."

Holly walked outside and sat down next to y/n. "O-oh! Hello Mrs. Kujo!" You bowed to her not really understanding Japanese culture.

"Hello..? Who are you?"

"Oh-! I'm y/n!"

"Y/n?" Mrs. Holly racked her brain trying to remember a y/n.

"I'm sorry, I guess we've met before. Would you like to come inside for some breakfast?"

"I'd love to Mrs. Kujo! I must say you're just so sweet! You remind me of my own mother!" You smiled at her but it soon faded, remembering the last time you had seen your mother.



"Yes mom?"

"Did you unpack all of your things?"

"Yeah. I just need to arrange some stuff.." Your mother smiled at you.

"Good. Theres someone here I'd like you to meet!"

"Ooh! Is this the Jun you've been talking about all this time?"

"Maybe... come on, I want you to meet him!"

Your mother had raised you by herself since you were six. Your father was a bad man, who had never told your mother why he lived such a lavish life. The secret? Well, you and your mother never found out. Your father was a horrible man who seemed so kind to your mother. When she married him you were born into the world as a beautiful child that your mother cherished more than anything. Your father. Wanted a son. He wanted you to be everything you weren't. And you had let him down on your first day of being alive.

!Permanently Abandoned! My angry man Jotaro x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now