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"Hi Jotaro!" Kakyoin said, he closed his book and sat it down on the side table.  You noticed the amount of wires in him. It was scary, 'How are they keeping him alive?' you thought. and 'What happened? What happened to him that left him in this state?' 

Jotaro sighed, sat you down on the chair by the window and said hello back. They looked like close friends. You just stared at Kakyoin, he had somewhat of a muscular build, and he was a very large person, like Jotaro, but he was much shorter. "So....Is this the girl you've been talking about lately?" Kakyoin asked. It made your face turn red. 'Jotaro's been talking about me to his friends?' you thought. 'Surely he was just joking' you thought, but your face was still red for a while.  Jotaro stayed silent. 

"I'll take your silence as a yes. Hi y/n. I'm Kakyoin. I bet your wondering what happened to me?" He put his hand over his stomach and said; "I was punched through the stomach," You looked so sorry for him, and wanted to ask why, but he continued on. "By a man, named Dio, I wanted to help Jotaro kill Dio, to save his mother." You looked very sorry for him, and you wanted to give him a big hug, but you couldn't really walk on your legs. so, you slowly scooted your chair over to his bed and asked if you could give him a hug.

 "I would like a hug, but don't squeeze I'm still recovering from Dio." he opened his arms up a little, and you went in to hug him.  He was cold, and his Noodle went down your shirt. It tickled and then you started giggling. "I'm sorry, your noodle went down my shirt, it tickled."  Kakyoin smiled. Jotaro looked like he was going to smile, but he didn't he just looked at you. You were smiling but it soon faded and you scooted the chair back. 

"Do you need anything Kakyoin?" Jotaro asked, he seemed to be very polite to Kakyoin. 

"I'm fine, I don't need anything." He responded, he carefully got up, and headed to the bathroom in his hospital room, so you and Jotaro were left alone together. 

"Sooo..." You put your hands on your knees and looked at Jotaro.  

"So? What do you want?" He looked at you as if he was going to yell at you if you made fun of him being friends with someone hospitalized. 

"When did you meet Kakyoin? Sorry for asking, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." You looked a little nervous, and scared at the same time. You enjoyed hearing him talk, hopefully this would make him start talking, and you could almost fall asleep to him talking so it was nice to hear his voice. 

He started talking about how he had met Kakyoin, and you looked really happy listening to his voice. After a while of talking he looked at you and you had half fallen asleep, Kakyoin was behind you smiling. 

                                                                               Jotaro's POV

'I've been talking for a while. Shes probably bored out of her mind.' looking up at her I smiled, she was half asleep. 'Interesting.' I thought to myself. 'I guess she's pretty cute when shes asleep' I barely even paid attention to what i was thinking to myself, when I noticed that Kakyoin was reading the book i brought him. Picking it up, I looked it over again, The Land Of  Forgotten Memories.  'He's gotten really far in this book, I just gave it to him the other day. Then again, being stuck in here 24/7 it makes sense. I should bring another thick book like this. Okay, so if there are 650 pages in this book, and this is a series then i should be able to buy-' He trailed off thinking about how many books he should bring next time, and didn't notice that Kakyoin was back, and talking with y/n. "Alright Kakyoin, I think I need to take y/n home." I watched as y/n waved goodbye to Kakyoin, I then I picked her up. She was light as hell. 'Even though she's 17 shes still so light...' I looked at her and she was already asleep. Her face in my hair, and being asleep it made me blush a little. 'That's pretty adorable.' I walked out of the hospital. Then I realized I didn't know where y/n lived. Trying to shake her awake, I re-adjusted and made her stir in her sleep, but she didn't wake up. I sighed. "Yare yare daze." 'I have to take her somewhere. My mom is gonna be an annoying bitch about it too.'  

I kept on walking home, it was a long walk, and got colder the longer i stayed out, but y/n just got closer to me. I have to wake her up, so I picked her up off my back. Her arms were freezing cold. 'How is she not awake? She's getting so cold that it would wake even me up. wait a minute. Is she faking?' I shook her again, and she fluttered her eyes awake, then grabbed her arms and started shivering a little. 

                                                                               y/n's POV

'Why the balls is it so cold?!' I grabbed my arms. 'God I'm cold. I wonder how Jotaro would react if i got under his coat...' getting really close to Jotaro, he started to get red. He was kind of burning hot actually. "Thank you for carrying me all this way.." I said kind of slowly. I had gotten warmer at that point and got out of his coat, but still close to him. He looked at me like i was Insane. "(Says a house area near Jotaro's)" 

"What?" He said, looking at you funnily. 

"My address. My wrist should be better tomorrow.."  Jotaro sighed and picked you back up,  and took you home. 
"Interesting," He spoke. "You live very close to me." He looked at the house, took you to the front door and knocked on the door for you. 

"Thank you Jotaro-" The door opened and there was your grandmother. She looked at you, then at Jotaro. 

"Honey your ok, I'm so glad your alright. Come inside!" She looked Jotaro up and down, then said to him; "Thank you for bringing her home. Your gonna be a great son in-law." Jotaro started to blush, and you did too. You wanted to smack your grandmother, but you know better than to do that, so you simply said; "GRANDMA!!" and limped to your room. 

"Oh-Uh, we aren't dating!" Jotaro stated. He looked really embarrassed. 

"Well, from the way she talks about you, I'm surprised by you saying that." 

                                                                                  Jotaro's POV

I smiled then carefully shut the door and leaned hard against it. 'What does she mean by that?!' I brushed my coat off, and started to walk home. 'yare yare' i thought. 'That is one weird family but nothing compared to mine i guess.' I sighed and moved against the night sky.  'It sure is nice out tonight, it sucks that its getting colder now.' I moved around and eventually got home. My mom kissed my cheek again,  I just said stop being an annoying bitch, then ate dinner and went to my room. y/n was stuck in my mind. 'Maybe it was her breath on my chest and neck that had her in my mind, or the fact that she's so light compared to other girls. She's...' I trailed off. Getting undressed, I touched my chest. Imagining my hand was her head from earlier. (He a thicc boi) I got in the shower, and hurried to get it done with. 'Compared to me she's so short, but still scares the crap out of the girls who cling to me all the time.  It would be a good idea to have her around me more. Those annoying bitches are being less annoying than usual, and most of them are leaving me alone. She said that her wrist will be better by tomorrow. But I'm thinking that it's not going to be, and she just feels bad. But hopefully, it does get better by tomorrow.' I dried myself off and got into bed. y/n was in my mind until I fell asleep.

-Hi, author here, sorry it's been taking me such a long time to come out with this part. I was busy, but worked on it whenever i could, so heres part 7 of my story!- 

!Permanently Abandoned! My angry man Jotaro x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now