Oh shit.

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"Morning Jotaro!" and "How are you Jotaro?" were the only words you could hear the girls screaming this morning. He was walking to school trying to ignore them, then from a far you could hear him scream "Shut up! Your damn annoying!" The girls then started to swoon over him again. 

"Jeez, fucking catch the hint for gods sake. He's yelled at you guys a million times to leave him alone, and yet here you guys are. Doing the same thing everyday, he is never going to care about you guy." You say under your breath, super annoyed at them as usual. 

a few hours passed and it was finally lunch.  'Alright, just breath, he's not gonna kill you if you give him lunch. It's ok. It's alright.' Slowly walking up the stairs you held onto the railing tightly. Finally you reached the top of the stairs. The roof. Smelling the air you didn't smell any cigarette smoke. 'Good, Jotaro isn't here yet. Good.' Sitting down on the bench where he usually smoked you pulled out your lunch. It wasn't long until you smelled cigarette smoke. How, how is he here so fast? Quickly you we pulled out your sketch book and a pencil, then you grabbed your chopsticks and started eating so it looked like you weren't waiting for him, but you were just eating there. "Y/n," you cocked your head up, it looked convincing enough. 

Swallowing hard you responded with a soft "Yes?" 

He stood next to you, staring at your food and sketchpad. He didn't say anything, but you knew what he wanted. He wanted your lunch. I think. So you reached inside your bag and pulled out a box. It was the pink heart shaped Mini Mouse box. 'Shit. I grabbed the wrong box!' He...chuckled? Weird. Grabbing the box, he sat down next to you, and started eating.  

He didn't ask why you had another. And that made you worry. You broke the almost silence, you could hear birds chirping and him chewing. "Do you like it?" You asked nervously. 

He nodded. That was it. A simple nod. Then he went back to eating. 'Alright. Fine a I'll take his silence as it being something he really likes.' After you both finished, he stood up, and light up a cigarette. "Thanks for lunch y/n. It was pretty good." He walked away and you noticed the box was picked clean. That made you happy. You picked both boxes up and packed them away. 

"Oh, Jotaro, I have a question to ask you." He looked at you and blew a perfect smoke ring to his left. 

"What is it." He asked in his normal harsh tone.

"U-um." Stumbling with your words. You wanted to ask him out, but you were too afraid of his response. "D-do you-have our math book? I left mine at home." He looked at you. 'Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. I chickened out.' He grunted smoked the rest of his cigarette and led you down the stairs to where he kept his bag, and handed you the math book. It was true. You really did leave it at home, but you were too chicken to ask him the actual question you wanted to. He probably knew what you were trying to say.  

 "Just make sure you give it back by the end of the day. I'll meet you here. Got it?" Jotaro grunted and walked away. 

                                                                                   -After School-

You walked to the area he told me to meet him, and he wasn't there. You waited for ten minutes, he wasn't there. You pulled out your game boy, and a Super Mario game, and slowly slunk down to the ground. You were still waiting, and it was eventually 4:10. "Jotaro, where the fuck are you!?" You shouted as you looked around the hallways. Five minutes passed and you decided to leave. 

'I don't care if he gets ticked off that I didn't return his book to him. He can be pissed for all I care, he was the one who blew me off.' you started walking to your car, and put your keys in the lock.  You tried opening the door, but to no avail, then you realized that you had put your house key in the car lock. It was one of those car locks that folded around the key to open. You tried yanking it out, but it wouldn't budge. 

!Permanently Abandoned! My angry man Jotaro x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now