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                                                                                         Y/N's POV

'Jotaro...What was he thinking about? He had this weird look on his face, as if he was imagining me doing something.' I looked at myself in the mirror of the girls bathroom. looking around, no girls were in the bathroom, so i thought, why not mess around. I started to pull my hair back, into a ponytail, then put my hair in a bun, so it was at least out of my eyes. 'Damn I look good.' I turned around, then put my leg against the sinks and danced, I was having fun, and smacked my thighs. I took my leg off the sink and yelled "HE A THICK BOI"  Then after a few minutes of dancing around, I heard footsteps. I might have yelled too loud, and ran into a stall and locked the door. Girls came into the bathroom and were talking about a boy they liked. I was guessing it was Jotaro. Then I heard someones voice, they said my name. "Oh yeah, y/n. We need to do something about her. She's clinging to Jotaro like one of his shirts." The girls then all started fangirling about the reference of his abs. I pretended to throw up, because it was disgusting how they talked about him. 

"What if we made her fall down those stairs again? She took quiet the tumble last week, it would make her be in more pain for trying to go after Jotaro." All the girls started to talk about different ways to make me be in a lot of pain. 

Then I realized that I had been gone from class for over twenty minutes. I was very very worried. The teacher would make me explain why i was gone for so long. I felt like if I told the truth he would think i was lying about where i actually was, and then everyone would think i was a jealous bitch. I looked around, nervously and then started to freak out, I flushed the toilet, then they all stared at the stall I was behind. I heard the pitter patter of their feet as they ran out of the bathroom. I sighed in relief and carefully opened the door. 'Good. Their gone.' I walked out of the bathroom and head to class. No one was around, and then I found my class and apologized to the teacher for being out so late. He told me to say after class to explain why I was gone so long. I thought that I could pull a 'I'm having girl problems and needed to get a feminine product from my locker, then found the bathroom. Hopefully this will work.' I thought, and then sat down on my desk and waited until class was over. I head over to his lectern and waited for him to let me speak. "Go ahead." I started stuttering and tripped over myself. 

"Sorry i was gone for so long s-sir.-But I was having some problems, and I needed to get them from my locker. Then I had to find the bathroom-" He paused me, and said that that was enough. I wasn't in trouble, since I was new here, and still somewhat crippled. 

I was walking through the halls, going to my next class, which lucky for me, wasn't so far away. But, unlucky for me, Jotaro was in this class. I sat down behind him like I usually do, and while waiting for class to start, we both were silent. Neither of us were talking, then I poked him on the back to get his attention. He turned around and looked at me. "What's up?" I felt like i should apologize to him, and then out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the girls from before, she was glaring at me. So, instead of doing something like a simple apology I said "Jotaro, I'm sorry for making you hit your head against the dashboard this morning. It was shitty of me, and really I was just in a bad mood." Jotaro made a short smile, and accepted my apology, and then turned back around. 

I smiled to myself, and then leaned back in my chair. I took a deep breath and drifted away in my thoughts. Class started and I was barely paying attention, and i didn't notice that the teacher had called on me minutes ago asking for the answer to the question on the board. Everyone stared at me as I kept drawing, not noticing that he had called on me. Then Jotaro tapped on my desk, I looked up and saw people staring at me. He pointed to the board, then without thinking I blurted out the answer. I was in math class, and I always did good in math, and luckily I said the correct answer. 

"Correct." The teacher spoke. I then went back to drawing, and I wasn't bothered again. After class ended, Jotaro and I were talking, and we walked outside to our next class.

 I went to the stairs, and Jotaro started in a different direction, but I asked him to stay with me.  He didn't know why, and ignored me. I pulled on his arm to get him to walk down the stairs with me. I was scared, but didn't want him to know that I was scared. After a minute of pleading he finally agreed to walk down the stairs with me. The girls were watching me again. I was holding onto my things really tightly, and when I put my bag in a different hand, it was still formed as if i was still clutching to the bag. Finally we got to the bottom of the stairs, and i felt safe. He started walking back up the stairs, and I relaxed and walked to my last class.  

                                                                          -After school ends-

I grabbed my things, and then walked over to where I usually meet Jotaro. 'Do you want to carpool? No that sounds weird. Um... I could give you a ride home if you'd like. Yeah, that sounds good.' "Jotaro, do you want me to take you home? I still feel bad from earlier so..." 

"Sure, that would be nice I guess." I started walking with Jotaro to my car, and then let him in. We were driving in pure silence for a long time. It eventually started raining, and I dropped him off where he asked me to, and I let him borrow an umbrella so he would stay dry. I was excited for when he would return it the next day.  

"Thanks for the umbrella y/n. I'll return it this weekend." I then realized it was Friday, and then realized that I would need to not wear my usual short shorts that were really comfortable and loose, and my t-shirt that was soft and baggy. I started to drive home, and started relaxing. When I got home I Immediately got undressed and flopped hard on the bed. Falling asleep and I didn't wake up until dinner time. 

                                                              -The next day in the morning- 

"y/n, Wake up. Its 12am." I groaned. 

"No. I went to bed really late last night, It took me a while to stand up after sitting down in the shower."

"Fine, I guess, I'll just send Jotaro back home, and say you didn't want to see him, because you hate him." This got me out of bed. 

"I'll be down soon!" This made your grandmother laugh a little, and then she headed downstairs, and you could here Jotaro's voice saying thank you for letting me in. You didn't realize that you were wearing the pajama's you had hoped he would never see you in. The big comfortable shirt and shorts. 

"Hi Jotaro! Thank you for returning my umbrella." I reached out to grab the umbrella from him, and our hands touched for a brief moment. His hands were extremely hot. He covered his face with his hat, and he was turning red. I didn't know why.

"Do you want some-lunch.?" I realized it was 12 and slipped up thinking it was breakfast time.

"Sure, I could go for some lunch." He started walking to the kitchen, and you noticed his shoes were sitting neatly by the front door, and how large they were. 

!Permanently Abandoned! My angry man Jotaro x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now