Oh dear.

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You sat there, stunned. Fantasising about how that night would end and how perfectly it would be. "Yo, Y/N!" Jotaro snapped his fingers infront of you. You snapped out of your transe.

"Is that a yes or no y/n?"

"Sure!" You smiled sweetly.

Jotaro looked to the side and pulled down his hat. You clapped your hands together and leaned forward resting your head on your hands. Jotaro smiled at you. You were just too cute. Sometimes it surprised him on how cute you actually were.

To pass the time and to ignore the silence which always bothered you, you started thinking about a book you had read a few weeks ago, you were thinking about the sexual tension that was there between two characters. Honestly, there wasn't any sexual tension that was canon in the story, but you still loved it no matter what. You were smiling to yourself and you became so lost in thought that you had forgotten where you were.

You were thinking too hard about them that when you finally snapped out of it you looked like a confused puppy, you were looking around and when you saw Jotaro you remembered why you were there. You looked down and saw some delicious smelling breakfast. You immediately started eating the food, you ate the food happily and enjoyed every second. As soon as you finished your breakfast your plate was cleared.

"Mom, I'm gonna take Y/N out, I'll see you tonight ok?" You coughed, that was a little too smooth.

"Okay! I love you Jotaro, see you tonight!" She hugged him and pulled him down to kiss his cheek. Honestly his mom was too cute.

You smiled and stood up from the table and smiled at his mother. You hugged her. "Thank you for the breakfast Mrs. Kujo!" she smiled.

"Of course y/n, have fun you kids!" She smiled as you and Jotaro walked outside.

"God! I love your mother! She's just so adorable and sweet!!" You smiled at him.

"Yeah, my mom is pretty nice but it's just too annoying sometimes."

"I could see that, but I would love to live with her honestly." You smiled at Jotaro again, you just couldn't stop smiling, Mrs. Kujo was just so sweet and happy it brought a smile to your face.

You started skipping ahead of Jotaro and spun around. "Hey, this is kind of like a date-" You realized this was in fact a date and you stopped there in your tracks staring at the ground. "Oh shit." You smirked.

"Mhmm." Jotaro held a small smile on his face. He got closer to you and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead. He grabbed your hand and kept walking, practically tugging you along. Your fangirl brain couldn't process what had just happened.

"Y/N, come on, I don't want you to fall behind." You slowly got your bearings and hurried to catch up with him.

Jotaro dragged you to a fountain and sat you down on the edge. "I'll be right back ok y/n?" You smiled at him.

"Okay Jotaro!" You smiled at him again, your cheeks started hurting, you rubbed them as he walked away.

You started diving deep into your thoughts. You started spacing out when you felt like you were being watched. You looked around but couldn't see anyone watching you. You tried to focus back on your thoughts but it was harder for you to lose focus.

Jotaro walked back to see you deep in your thoughts again. "Hey, Y/N, what are you thinking about?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing. What'd you go do?" You asked still kind of out of it.

"I had to take a piss. So what was going on in your mind?"

"Oh, I was just thinking... Uh about. Horse cocks." 'wait what the fuck did I just say?'

!Permanently Abandoned! My angry man Jotaro x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now