Part 5

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You woke up to the sound of your grandmother talking to someone. You felt pain everywhere. it was uncanny how much you were in pain. you tried sitting up, and whimpered from the pain sitting up caused you. Your grandmother came over to you in a hurry. (As fast as a grandmother can run really) "Do you want to leave honey?" your grandmother asked, she looked worried. you said yes, and the nurse helped put you on a wheelchair. Being in the wheelchair made you feel like you had more damage done to you than what actually happened. The nurse told her that you were lucky not to break any bones, but you twisted your ankle and sprained your wrist, and your other foot. 

You cursed how clumsy you are and how steep those fucking stairs were. your grandmother hated it when you swore so you said it under your breath so only you could here. Placed in the car you were driven home. "y/n, what happened today?" your grandmother asked, she was sweet and had curly white hair. it was really pretty. 

"I fell down those steep stairs from the top, i got distracted." your grandmother looked at you fro a brief second and then went back to looking at the road. "what were you distracted by? Were you reading a book? or talking to someone?" She started asking a lot of questions. you simply answered them all with "I was distracted by a blood stain on the side of the stairs." She looked at you a little worried. 

"Why would there be blood on the stairs? and so high up too?" You responded with someone might've cut themselves near the area, and the cleaning people didn't see it. She then left it at that, and you arrived at home. 

you were at home for a day or two, healing up a little. you felt bad that you had your grandmother do everything on her own, since your grandfather can't really move, and your on bed rest. After you were finally allowed back at school, you were forced to use crutches. it hurt your hand, but that was all you had at the house and you didn't want to bother your grandmother with having to go out and buy a wheelchair for you. 

clutching to the crutches as you got out of bed, you awoke at 5:30, you expected it would take you ages to find your classroom, with you always getting lost, and the fact that you were now crippled for a while, you needed to wake up even earlier. Remembering to put on your watch this morning you got dressed, and asked for the keys to drive to school, you had known how to and driven before, because your grandmother was sick, and your grandfather couldn't move, you were 15 at the time, so it was barely legal. you just needed to buy some pain medication. 

You were now 17 and you drive most of the time. You parked the car as close to the school as you could and slowly started heading for the doors of the schools. you fell over a few times, and slowly got back up, but by the time you got to the doors, it was around the time you would normally get to the school grounds. but not inside the school, someone opened the door, when they saw you struggling to open the doors. Trying to walk up the stairs you painfully made your way to class. barely on time, you sat down and relaxed. Then, who else to sit down next to you, but Jotaro. He sat down next to you.

Thinking he would make some snide remark, or rude comment, or make the crutches fall over, you braced for impact. but nothing. He left you alone, simply asking what happened to you. after telling him, he looked at you funny. You said, "I know i know, how do you get distracted walking down the stairs? its so stu-" he said that he had fallen down the stairs too, but because someone had cut open his leg, he had managed to grab a tree branch and land safely on the ground, and wasn't in as terrible condition as you were, but he had fallen down as well. 

You looked at him, wondering how he hadn't broken the tree branch when he grabbed it to break his fall. He was a large man, so certainly the branch had to be thicc. (I had to I'm not sorry) "Do you need any help for the day? I presume you need help finding all your classes and getting to the roof for lunch?"  you looked at him stunned, he put himself out like this. Which was very unusual. "Actually, yeah, it took me three hours to walk from the parking lot to the front doors." he stared at you, thinking you surely went that slow. 

"I need help using these, i still don't know how to use them." You gestured to the crutches with your sprained hand, and he grabbed at it, it hurt but you didn't say anything. 

"You shouldn't be using crutches if your hand is also hurt. That's probably why you suck with these crutches." He added at the end of his sentence just to be mean to you. 

"yeah, i know, but i don't own a wheelchair, so i need to use these." 

"Its going to take longer for your hand to heal if you keep putting pressure on it."

"Well, unless you carry me, i don't see any other choice i have, or use you as a crutch."

"Who said I was going to help you out all day?" he said snorting.

"You did, basically anyways." you gave him a light punch like friends do, but then he punched you back a little too hard, and it left a bruise.  "Ow!" you whispered in pain. He realized he hurt you so, he agreed to help you out on being your crutch for the day. 

!Permanently Abandoned! My angry man Jotaro x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now