Lunch with Jotaro

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                                                                                    -Jotaro's POV-

'Thanks for the umbrella. No, Thank YOU for the umbrella. God, she's gonna think I'm desperate. It's twelve. I should go over there.' I walked over there. Somewhat fast like. I guess I was a little excited. -A few minutes later- It's as nice as I remember. Wait, is that her room? It's pretty. A nice blue. I wonder if that's y/n's favorite color.

                                                                            -Knocks on the door- 

"Hello Jotaro, It's great to see you again." y/n's grandmother opened the door with a smile.

"Thank you Mrs. l/n. It's good to see you again too." 

I took off my shoes, and walked inside the foyer. "I'll go wake up y/n."  'She isn't up already? That's kind of interesting.' 

"I'll be down soon!" 'That's y/n's voice. She's so cute.' *y/n comes down the stairs in her pajama shorts and t-shirt* 'Oh god. She looks so hot. Oh no.'  

"Jotaro! Thank you for returning my umbrella." 'Okay, she's taking the umbrella out of my hands. She's just..' I covered my face with my hat, hopefully she didn't see me blush. Oh god she did. Just, relax.

'No problem.' Instead of saying what I should've, I grunted. She wasn't taken aback by it, that's good.' 

"Do you want some-lunch?" It was obvious she had just woken up. 'Adorable.' "Sure, I could go for some lunch." She smiled at me. 'Oh that's a great smile.' 

                                                                                       -y/n's POV-

"Did you like the lunch i shared with you the other day? Because I have more, If you liked it I'd be glad to share some with you." He stared at me, and then grunted a yes.

I went to the fridge and pulled out the two boxes of food. Handing him the box of food I watched his eyes light up a little. 'He must've really liked it the last time he had it. I'm glad.' "Did you make this yourself?" He stared at me, you shook my head yes, and he got even more excited. 

"I hope you like it Jotaro." He did a faint smile and sat down, and immediately started eating. He looked really excited while eating it. 'I'm glad he likes it.' You started eating slowly, and after a while he finished, while you was only a fourth of the way through the box of food. He stared at it, hungrily. So, you ate, then gave him the other half of my lunch. He ate it with glee, and when you gave him half the box, he looked really excited. 'No one besides my grandparents have really fawned over my food before' you thought. 

"Do you like it?" You suddenly blurted out. You didn't mean to say it, but when you did, he looked up at you with his mouth filled with rice and sushi and some on the side of his face.

"Mesh" His mouth was still full, but he answered you anyways. You could tell he said yes, and that brought a smile to your face. "Yay, I'm glad!" You put your hands together and started to clear your empty lunch box off the table. You started cleaning the dishes that were still dirty from last night, then you felt the presence of someone behind you, and then you turned around, and saw Jotaro had finished his lunch and came over to help you clean the dishes. 

"Do you need any help y/n?" He put his hand on your waist to get your attention, and you jumped a little. His hand was massive compared to your petite size. It made you wonder what other parts of him was massive. Shoving that dirty thought out of your mind, you agreed to him helping you.

His hand left your waist, but you wished it hadn't. He stood next to you drying the plates and Tupperware as you handed them to him. You would occasionally touch hands, but your hip was always touching the middle part of his thigh. "Hey y/n. Could you teach me to make this sometime?" Your face got red. He must have really liked it if he wanted to know how to make it. "S-sure. Whenever you'd like you can come over. Or I can go over to your house. Or something..." 

"Sure. I'll call your house before coming over, or call your house to tell you when to come over." Jotaro sounded a little embarrassed while saying this, and it confused you a little. Usually he was confident, quiet and really intimidating. 

"A-alright. I'll give you the house number so you can call me later." You moved the last plate over to him, and dried your hands off with the towel when he finished. You could've sworn he was staring down your shirt. 

"So. Do you need a ride home or something?" You were hoping he would let you drive him home, and he agreed for a ride home. 

Quickly grabbing a paper you wrote down the house number for him to call you, and he took it. He didn't give you his number back, but you were fine with that. You grabbed your coat and your keys and got in the car. Jotaro was walking faster than you since your ankles were still sore and one was in more pain than usual. Sitting down in the car you started it up then asked where he lives. He told you the address, and you drove to his house. It was actually quite close to yours but it was better to drive from your house to his then making him walk.  After a little while you arrived at his house and you parked the car. "Do you want me to walk with you to the door or-" He opened the car door and walked out. Without even a thank you. He then slammed it shut and walked inside his house.

 "Why did I fall for someone like him. Well, I know why, he's kind to me, and he smells like nicotine, with soft silky hair." You placed your hand on your waist where he had touched you. Hoping that his touch would linger for a longer time on your body. "Oh Jotaro..." His smile made you want to melt just thinking about it... 

You drove yourself home and started making food for the week. Your grandmother and grandfather were already doing so much for you, so making your own lunch was the least you could do for them. 'Jotaro never has lunch with him. I should make him some as well. So, that's ten lunches. I make a cup of rice for two lunches, so that would be five cups of rice, eight cups of water. It takes two rolls to make two days worth of sushi, then for the dumplings i need some cabbage and,' you trailed off thinking about how much you needed for ten lunches, you doubled the usual recipe of everything. Then after an hour of work, everything was finished, and you relaxed on the couch, the lunches were in the fridge and you could relax. Usually you only needed to use five boxes, but since you were making lunch for Jotaro as well, and giving him your lunch everyday was taking a toll on your energy and blood sugar. So, you used some old containers from your childhood. There was a heart shaped box with Mini mouse on it, a plain white container, two sesame street boxes and a clear container that was not the best size, and you had to stack things to fill the box, but after all the work was done you felt like this week, you would be closer with Jotaro because of this. It was simple, and you hoped it would be effective. He liked it a lot whenever you gave him the lunches. You smiled as you thought about his expression on Monday, how he would react to you making special lunches for him. It made your heart rate speed up just thinking about it. 'What if he kisses me?' The thought suddenly rushed to your head and you started freaking out. Surely Jotaro didn't think of you like that. It calmed you down a little thinking that, but it made you a little sad as well. Sunday came and went, It was a calm day, Jotaro didn't call you,  but you were fine with that. He was probably busy. Then it was Monday, you woke up, and grabbed your things. Put the two boxes of lunch in your bag and then headed outside. You started up your car and drove to school. Then you walked to class.

-Hi, Author here! This one took me longer than usual, but I hope you guys like it! Even if no one reads my story after the eleventh story, I'm still going to update whenever I can!  :-)-

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