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Yoongi moved so fast, he could almost swear it was all a dream. Outrage and fear for his team traded places with worry as he made his way towards the main room. Seokjin had set up in front of the couch, while Jeongguk and Jimin were close by, sharpening and prepping their weapons. Namjoon had taken it upon himself to patrol the rooms while Taehyung retrieved Yoongi from upstairs.

Yoongi could feel his skin starting to itch. He was burning with rage that clouded out all of his rational thoughts, and even though he knew he shouldn't, he snapped. "Who was on scouting duty?!"

The words turned to venom as they came from his mouth. A few seconds passed, and nobody spoke up. "God damn it! I asked you a question! Whose job was it to check all of the rooms when we got here?!"

Yoongi looked around at his friends, his team . He noticed the scared glances that they shared, could tell exactly whose job it'd been, but he was waiting to see if they would speak up. And surprisingly, they did.

"I-I was.. Sir."

Jimin raised his voice gradually, like a petrified child in a classroom. Yoongi nodded and waited. Everyone knew that there were two scouters and Yoongi was growing impatient. They didn't have all day to wait for someone to confess. But he also knew that he was lying.

"Jimin. Why are you covering for them?"


"I know I didn't assign you to check there earlier. That's a fact." He bore his eyes into everyone individually and when he got to Namjoon, the two shared a look like they both knew. They both knew.

But Namjoon never spoke up.  And neither did Jeongguk.

Yoongi clicked his tongue. He'll deal with them later. Nonetheless, they had infected that they had to deal with right now. And they're missing a man.

"Jimin, we'll talk later. And whoever else was with him, shame. It's your job to make sure the area is safe and secure for the team and if you couldn't handle that, then what good are you to m-"

"Maybe if you had been even slightly better of a leader, Hoseok wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place." During his rant, Namjoon found the confidence to speak up, a rather bored expression on his face as he stared down the stairway for infected.

Yoongi stopped, and the rest of the boys sucked in a breath. " What .. Did you just say to me, Kim?"

Namjoon went to repeat himself, but Yoongi was on him in a second. Faster than you could blink, the two went from the middle of the room, to Yoongi shoving him against the nearest wall, pressing long bony fingers into his throat.

"You'd do well to remember I am in charge here! Because of your negligence, you've placed all of us in danger!"

Jeongguk flinched at Yoongi's words, clearly on the verge of tears when Jimin spoke again. "Uhh.. Actually.." He stopped. Yoongi looked harshly towards him then, waiting for him to continue.

"You, uhh, you actually.. Distracted us earlier so I guess we didn't check.. Every room?"

Yoongi looked around at the others, Namjoon's pulse beating frantically under his grip, but the stern gaze never leaving his friend's face. Everyone looked nervous, but they seemed to agree with Jimin.

This had been his fault.

He could feel his body relaxing, knowing they were right. He had been rushing them. He doesn't want to admit it, but he was scared. Before Yoongi could vocalize an apology to everyone - especially Namjoon - there was a loud burst from the basement door. The infected were now inside the house and it was only a matter of time before the scent of flesh and blood lingered. They had to grab their things and move out. Now.

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