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Pov cooper;

It was Friday and the boys and I decided to stream SMP today. Carson was already streaming as I and Noah were still setting up ours.

With an annoyed look on my face I went down to the living room. "Guys who stole my mic cable ?"

Josh, who sat on the couch watching some anime, turned around and looked at me confused. "Didn't you just buy a new one. How can you have lost it already ?"

"I haven't somebody must have taken it. I know I've put it on my mic yesterday. "

"Found it. " I hear Carson yell from upstairs.  While making my way to his room I yell back at him. "Where was it ?"

As I reached his room he looked at me like I'm the most stupid person on planet earth. "It was on your mini fridge you stupid piece of shit ."

His stream chat was laughing at me so I just took the cable and finished setting up my stream. I started it and joined the call.

"Coopy. you're finally here !" Travis said immediately.

Pov Travis;

"Sorry it took so long but Carson stole my mic cable ." Cooper said after everyone said hi to him.

"What that's not true. Your dumb ass was just blind and didn't see it on your fucking mini fridge." Carson answered.

"Carson you're so stupid he doesn't have a mini fridge yet." Noah said making everybody burst out laughing. We all joined the server and carried on building our houses.

Pov cooper;

As I was finished building my house I got a donation saying I should kill Travis. "Guys isn't it a little to early. " I asked chat.

"Oh already got a hit cooper? " Schlatt said with a knowing voice. "Yeah but I'll do it later it's too early now. "

After an hour of streaming joko joined the call. "What's up guys. " "What's up joko. " I was the first to say hello and the others followed.

We played for another 45 minutes when I finally decided to do the hit on Travis. "Hey Travis were're you at I have something for you. " "Oh a gift. What will it be guys. Uhm... I'm at Carson's house right now. " He said so I made my way to Carson's house.

I sneaked up to him and landed the first hit perfectly. "Oh nooooooo." Travis screamed as he ran away. I just laughed at him and followed his Minecraft skin.

"Oh wait cooper, I feel really dizzy. " He said in a serious voice and stoped running. "Oh come on Travis I'm not gonna fall for this. " I said still laughing.

As soon as I got to him I killed him. "Travis ?" I asked as a few seconds passed without any noise from him. "Travis are you okay ?" I asked again and now the others also stoped talking.

"Is he muted ?" Joko said. "My Chat is telling me to check on him." Schlatt said. I jumped out of my chair and ran to his room.

As I ripped the door open I saw Travis laying on the floor shaking. "TRAVIS !" I screamed.

I fell on my knees next to him not knowing what to do. "CALL AN AMBULANCE !" I screamed into the mic.

Suddenly Carson was standing next to me hectically dialing the number. Now there were also Noah and Josh in the room not knowing what to do. 

Pov Schlatt;

"What the fuck is going on ?" I screamed. "I don't know dude. " I heard joko say. "Fuck is Travis okay ?" I started to worry.

I still heard the others talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. My heart was racing and I felt like I had to do something but there was nothing I could do.

After ten minutes of silence and trying to find out what's going on we can hear Carson's clear voice again. " We are ending our streams now. Travis had a seizure and we have to go to the hospital now. Schlatt I'll call you when we get there ."

"Oh fuck okay I hope he will be okay !" I said after Carson left the call and ended his and the others streams. Joko and I were just sitting there not talking when my phone finally rang. I immediately answered.

"Yeah ?" My chat was filled with concerned comments about Travis. "So the doctors said he will be fine but if we hadn't checked on him he could have died ." Carson said in an exhausted but clear voice.

It had been two hours since they left. I ended my stream so I could talk to Carson.

Pov Travis

When I woke up I couldn't remember what happened. " Coopie ? " I asked when I realized I wasn't at home.

" Travis, " he said in a relieved voice. " Thank god you're finally awake I was starting to get worried. " he came over to me and sat next to the bed.

" What happened, why am I in a hospital ? " I managed to ask after a while. " You had a seizure but you're fine now bud. Can you remember anything that happened before you passed out ? " Cooper looked at me concerned. " Not really... Only that my lightbulb started flickering. " I said trying to remember what happened.

Cooper nodded
"Okay that is probably the reason why you had the seizure. The doctors said it can be caused by many things but twitching lights are the most common cause. " " We have to change that lightbulb then " I said slightly laughing. ". Yeah shure we'll do that bud. " Cooper laughed with me.

this is not a request.
It's here so you can get a taste of my writing style. I hope you like it.


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