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A/n : maybe you could see this as a sequel to thoughts but it can also be it's own. 
Inspired by the song 'friendly neighborhood poltergeist' (linked above).

Tw: very sad, contains suicide

Pov: Travis

When I woke up I felt some sort of release and all the pressure on my heart and head was gone. I felt.....almost happy.

With swift motions I got out of bed to get ready for the day. Everything seemed so easy without all that weight on my heart.

I went downstairs happily untill I heard sobbing from the living room. I slowly approached the door and hesitantly opened it just to reveal a sobbing Cooper with Noah and Carson trying to comfort him.

Carson and Noah were also crying but Cooper looked broken, like a piece of glass sheadered into thousands of splinters and shards you would never be able to fix again.

"What happened ?" I asked rushing over to them trying to take Cooper's hand but I couldn't. I could touch him but his hand was way to heavy to lift for me. They didn't respond or even looked at me.

"Tell me what happened ?" I said again a little louder but there was still no reaction from them.

I didn't know what to do so I just hugged Coop as tightly as I could in the hope to receive any kind of response to my actions but there was none. I felt how my eyes started to water. Seeing all of them so sad and devastated broke my heart and let all the happy feelings fade away into sadness again.

"Why did he do that ?" Cooper whispered in a weak voice letting his tears run down his face. "We don't know but he's in a better place now." Carson whispered back squeezing Coopies hand trying to comfort him.

Cooper had his knees pulled up to his chest hugging them. "He was just 20, why didn't he tell us that something was wrong? It's my fault isn't it? I should have talked to him more. I shouldn't have kicked him out of my room when he fell asleep on my bed when I came home late I-" "No Cooper it's not your fault it was his decision you didn't know." Noah tried to calm him but it made Cooper only more upset. "BUT I SHOULD HAVE! He was my best friend and I didn't even noticed that something was off. Travis always knew when I was sad he was always there for me and I let him down when he needed me the most." Cooper sobbed out burying his face in his hands.

"He's dead because I was a bad friend to him." Realization set in when I heard him say that. I was dead. A flood of memories washed threw my brain. I remembered how I pulled the blade along my arm, how Cooper came in desperately trying to help me and Schlatt calling an ambulance.

I remembered how I had killed myself. I sat down on the floor trying to find a way to tell them that I am here.

After a few seconds I got up and tried to touch them or let them feel that I was there but they didn't feel any of that. I tried to move different objects but everything felt like it got a thousand times heavier than normal.

I went into the kitchen trying to lift everything I saw but it still didn't work. I was getting more desperate by every second that passed but nothing would move.

Then I had an idea. I ran over to the sink grabbing the water tab stemming all my weight against it and to my surprise it worked and the water started running into the sink.

All the boys's heads shot up looking at the running water. Noah slowly got up and turned the water off. I knew that I had to turn it on again to convince them that it wasn't just a coincidence so I did.

Noah looked at the water tab shocked while screaming "guys it's moving again" "what the fuck is happening ?" Carson asked with a little fear in his voice. One second after that I saw Coopers eyes light up. "TRAVIS" He screamed out my name.

"What ?" Carson and Noah said together. "It's Travis he's trying to tell us something ." Cooper said excited.

He jumped of the couch and up to his room. A few seconds later he came back with paper and a pen.

'Damn I can't write the pen is to heavy to hold up for so long' I thought as he layed down the pieces fo paper on the table.

"Okay Travis. I am going to write down all the letters in the alphabet on different pieces of paper and you are going to move the different letters to make words okay?" He said while writing down every letter on individual bits of paper.

I set down in front of him waiting for him to finish the writing. After a minute or two he was done sitting down waiting for me to spell a word.

"Cooper we know you are sad but don't you think you take this a little to far?" Carson asked but was immediately shushed by Cooper who was staring at the table.

I wasn't sure what to say so I just told him the first thing that came to my mind.

"S.....o.....r......y" Cooper said out loud while I was still moving the letters in place. "Don't be sorry Travis. I have to be sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me." Cooper started to cry again. "D.....o.......n......t.......c.......r........y" Cooper spelled my message again between sobs. "I am so sorry Trav I should have been there for you" he said again whyping the tears off his cheeks. "N.....o......t.......y.......u......r......f......a.......l......d" Cooper spelled confused trying to figure out what that was supposed to mean untill he finally got it. "Thank you Trav but it is partly  my fault. I didn't want you to die."

"I.......h........u........g........y........o" Cooper spelled out again. "How? I can't even see you" he asked sadly.

"F......o......c........u........s" he closed his eyes and focused on the feeling on his skin. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist as I felt a shiver going threw his body. "Fuck I can feel it" he said happily but also sad at the same time. "I want to hug you back so bad but I can't." He said starting to sob again.

I let go of him and went back to the table. "Don't go!" Coopie said desperately so I hurried to write my message. "I......w......o......n.....t......g" Carson read this time.

It was exhausting to move the letters so often so I sat down on my chair again. "Thank you" Cooper said also sitting down again. "E....x......h.......a......u......s.......t.......i.......n.......g" Noah was now also reading my message. "What is exhausting. Moving the letters ?" Cooper asked worried. "Y........e.........s" "We can take a break if you want." He said looking at me or at least where he guessed I was. "T.....y" "No problem bud."Coopie smiled. "Fuck we are actually talking to a Ghost rn" Noah realized looking quite shocked.

We all sat there for a few minutes when I realized that Cooper looked like he hadn't slept for days. And so did the others. They all had large bags under their eyes and Carson was almost asleep on the couch when I moved the paper again. "U......g......o.......s......l......e.......p" I wrote worried about them. "No! we can't go to bed now were talking to you for the first time in a week and I am scared that you are gone tomorrow." He said also worried "I.......L.......w.......a.......t......c......h.......o........v.......e......r........y......a" "Thank you Travis" Cooper said yawning afterwards.

"I........w........o........n........t.........l.........e.......a.......v" Cooper smiled a tired smile "I miss you Trav." He said quietly.

"I......m......s.......u.......t........o" with that Cooper got up and walked to his room to get some much needed sleep and so did Noah while Carson was already sleeping on the couch.


A/n: the ending is a little weird but all in all I'm happy with the outcome. I hope you like it.


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