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Tw: talking about self-harm / this is gonna be real sad because my heart literally aches rn.

Prompt: Cooper has a crush on someone but no hope that it will work out.

3. Person

It was 3am when Cooper sat on his bed overthinking like so often.

He was looking at pictures of them together but he knew that they would never be more then friends. And it made his heart ache.

He could physically feel the pain in his chest. It had been 3 whole years since his crush on his friend had developed and up to this day he never had the courage to open up about his feelings.

And now it was definitely too late. She had a boyfriend now and Cooper felt stupid. Stupid that he even though that he had a chance. She was just too perfect for him.

Her brown curles and perfect green eyes that would tell you stories just by looking at them. A lot of people had told them they'd make a cute couple but she'd always laugh it off and tell them that they were just friends.

They had known eachother since kindergarten when cooper moved into the house next to hers. They'd play everyday together and he even taught her how to skate.

He had fallen for her in his freshman year of collage. It was at their first college party to be exact. Both of them had smoked and she was dancing like a maniac. Opposite to Cooper she had always a lot more energy when she was high and that one night he was watching her dance. Her body moved swiftly through the small living room filled with people but Cooper felt like she was dancing just for him.

When there eyes met her smile grew even wider and she began to laugh. That beautiful mesmerizing laugh that Cooper adored. Before that evening he thought he loved her like a little sister but the moment she walked over to him and took his hand pulling him up to dance with her he knew it was a different kind of love.

That evening was the best of his life and it made him sad to think about it because he knew that he'd never be so close to her again. Every time he saw her with her new boyfriend he could feel the jealousy in his stomach and he hates himself for that. He was happy for her, of cause he was, but it broke his heart again and again seeing her with him.

Cooper also knew that they were made for eachother and he hoped with all his heard that his feelings would stop and he could spend time with her again because right now it was impossible to spent even ten minutes with her without welling up in tears and her being confused and trying to comfort him what would result in him even more crying. And he hates it. Every single bit of it. He hates that he made her worried for him and he hates that he couldn't keep his shit together for longer than ten minutes and he hated that he wasn't even able to look into her eyes anymore.

That is also what he missed the most, the happiness in her eyes when they talked. Lately it had only been worry or concern for Cooper and he hated himself for making her feel like that. And he hated that he was making it even worse by ignoring her but he had no other option; he had to breake up the contact for her to be happy and for him to heal. He thought it would make the situation better but it made it only worse. One day she even came to the group's house to check up on him and like the coward he was he had sent Travis to tell her he wasn't home.

She had called and texted him hundreds of times just to be ignored. He hadn't even read the message until now and he knew why when he read them.


Cooper please answer.

Please, don't do this to me

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