Schlatt x Travis (fluff)

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3. person PoV:

It was one of those days. Those gray and rainy days.

Travis was sitting in the living room staring outside. He was kind of angry at everything for no reason.

"TRAVIS!" Cooper screamed. "Why do you always have to take my weed!?"

"I didn't take it! Why do YOU always have to assume that I did it. No matter what it is you always assume it was me. I can't take it anymore!!"

He stormed to the front door grabbed his jacket and left.

Not knowing where to go he just walked. Every now and then he kicked some stones or stomped into little puddles.

An hour later he found himself in front of a door. He was soaked and cold standing there waiting for Schlatt to open it.

When he did he looked suprised. "Travis what are you doing here?" He asked.

"You have to cuddle with me!" He said angrily walking past Schlatt into the house.

"Come in I guess" Schlatt mumbled under his breath closing the door behind him.

Travis had planted himself onto the comfy sofa hugging his knees.

Schlatt sat down next to him and sighed. Slowly Travis leaned against his shoulder receiving a hug from Schlatt.

"What happened puppy?" Schlatt asked into his hair.

"Cooper was mean again he always assumes that I mess everything up."

Schlatt pulled him closer "why does he say that?"

Travis shrugged "idk he thinks I'm a baby that always breaks things and can't live on it's own..... I don't think he does it on purpose tho."

There was silence. Neither of them said anything. They just sat there enjoying the hug.

Suddenly Schlatt's phone rang. It was cooper. "Yeah ?" Schlatt asked.

"Is Travis with you he has been gone for an hour and a half now and he won't answer my texts or calls and I'm really worried."

The words rushed out of Cooper's mouth like a waterfall.

"Hey, yeah it's okay he's with me but you really messed up bud." Schlatt tryed to calm him.

"Oh thank god I was so worried. I know that I messed up and I'm really sorry."

"Well you have to tell him not me. I'll bring him home later today alright?"

"Okay thank you"

Schlatt turned off his phone and focused his attention on Traves again who was still cuddled up on his chest.

"Do you wanna watch a movie puppy?" Schlatt asked trying to make him happy.

"Which one?" He asked and looked up to Schlatt.

"I don't know. What do you want to watch?" Schlatt asked again turning on his TV.

Travis thought for a second and said "Let's watch WALL-E" he looked at Schlatt excitedly.

"Alright WALL-E it is" he went to the Disney plus page and turned on the move.

Traves giggled and pulled Schlatt even closer if that was possible.

After one hour and 43 minutes Travis was sitting on the couch with a huge grin on his face.

"It's already 7pm I have to get you home puppy." Schlatt gave Travis a sad look.

"Nooooo, I wanna stay."

Schlatt sighed "I told cooper I'd bring you home." Travis looked at him with puppy eyes. "Please just one more hour your so comfy?"

"Okay, okay, you won" they cuddled up on the couch and a few seconds later Travis was sleeping like a baby.

Schlatt was about to fall asleep to what he felt his phone buzz.

It was a text from Cooper

I can pick Travis up in about 50 minutes I have to go to the store anyways.

Okay he's sleeping rn but I'll wake him up when you're here.

Schlatt put his phone in his pocket again and layed back down with Travis.

He looked at the boy sleeping peacefully in his arms.

The time went by fast and before they knew it Cooper was standing outside waiting for them.

"Travis, Cooper is here you have to go." Schlatt said waking him up.

"I don't wanna go." Travis answered tightening his hug on Schlatt.

"I know puppy, and you come again tomorrow if you want, but now you have to go."

"Okay...." Travis said sadly. They got up from the couch and walked over to the front door.

"See you Schlatt." The smaller boy said while hugging him.

"See you puppy." He whispered after pecking Travis' forehead and hugging him back.

Schlatt opened the door and smiled at Cooper who instantly apologized to Travis for being a dick.


A/n : this was requested by lucthegoos
I hope you like it and sorry you had to wait so long.
It's not that good tbh but I tried.


(Edit: sorry for the confusion but for some reason Wattpad decided to delete this chapter so I had re-upload it)

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