Schlatt x Carson (angst/fluff)

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A/n: the song has nothing to do with the Story it's just my favourite at the moment

Carson was going threw a rough time the past few weeks and the fact that Schlatt was going to visit the group house didn't make it better.

He wouldn't admit it but he fell for the funny man. Every time he talked to him his mood would go up and little butterflys would dance around in his tummy.

Carson was really scared meeting him in person again. He had met him before but at the time Carson wasn't madly in love with the tall attractive man.

Today would be the day. They had to get him from the airport at around 12pm.

The closer the meeting got the more nervous Carson was getting. He had made up a lie so he didn't have to drive to the airport with cooper to get at least a little more time to prepare.

Currently he was sitting on his bed thinking about how he could tell the others about his feelings if he was even brave enough to.

He was deep in his thoughts as his phone rang. It was cooper. He picked up his phone and answered the call. "Yeah ?" "Hi, so we're on our way back and thought we would get some food so do you want anything ?" Cooper asked.

Carson panicked not expecting that they were on their way back already. "Uhm.... No I'm good. " He quickly said much to Cooper's suprise.

"What? Are you shure? Usually you want something." "Yeah no I'm good. Got to go now bye!" Carson hung up immediately, panicking even more.

He rushed to the bathroom breaking down next to the toilet vomiting into it as if he was sick.

Leaning against the wall he was trying to calm himself down but the more he tried the worse it got. Hyperventilating and shaking he burst into tears and burried his face in his hands.

All the things that he dealt with all came out at the same time. All the thoughts, the stress, and the exhaustion. The feelings he had been hiding for so long.

When he heard the door opening his panic grew stronger. He tried to stop sobbing and wiped away his tears but it was too late.

The bathroom door was opened and of cause it had to be the person who was the reason for his state of mind that saw him first.

"Oh my god Carson what happened ?" Schlatt quickly ran to the crying boy immediately pulling him into a hug.

This made Carson cry even more. The fact that the person he cared so much for also cared about him.

They just sat there holding eachother until Carson finally stopped crying.

Schlatt pulled away from the hug and looked at Carson concerned. "Can you tell me what happened now ?" He asked wiping the last tears off of the blonde's cheeks.

Carson just looked at the floor almost ashamed that Schlatt had to see him like this but he began to speak.

"I've just been really down lately and today it just all came out. I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

Carson still didn't look up. "There's also something I wanna tell you. Please don't hate me for this. I totally understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore when I tell you this but it's just how I feel and I really need to get this off my chest."

He slowly moved his head up to meet Schlatt's eyes. "I-I think I'm in love with you."

Schlatt looked at him and slowly a smile formed on his face. "I love you too." He leaned in and connected their lips.

Carson was caught off guard but soon gave in to the kiss and just smiled as Schlatt pulled away.

"Let's go eat." Schlatt said after a few seconds making Carson chuckle.

A good two hours later Schlatt and Carson were watching a movie together in Carson's room. Both really comfortable in each others presence.

Carson was resting his head in Schlatt's lab not even paying attention to the movie just enjoying the moment.

Schlatt's hands lightly playing with his hair and the smell of the men's freshly washed clothes.

"Schlatt?" the tall grown man looked at Carson with a smile on his face.

"Yeah?" "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Carson looked at him with his best puppy eyes.

"Are you kidding me?" Schlatt laughed. "Why do you have to say everything first? I wanted to ask you that!"

Carson let out a small chuckle "okay than. Go ahead." He said smiling. "Carson.... Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" He asked dramatically.

"Ooh I didn't expect you to say that of cause I want to be your boyfriend!" Carson said sarcastically.

Schlatt layed down next to the tall boy pulling him close not planning to let go.

"I really love you Carson!" He said with a serious voice. He waited for him to say something but soon he noticed that the cute boy fell asleep his arms tightly wrapped around his waist snoring lightly.

He gave him a small kiss on his forehead and fell asleep shortly after in the arms of his now boyfriend.


A/n: requested by sfrfd3r4tyhtr

I hope you like it I think I improved a lot in the fluff part and all in all I'm very pleased with this chapter


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