Bad dreams

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Pov 3.person

It has been roughly a month since Cooper had his first nightmare. Every night he would wake up drenched in sweat not able to fall asleep again. It really stressed him out. He felt like telling his friends would make them laugh at him or even make fun of it so he just didn't.

Usually Cooper was a quite energetic person and always down for those little adventures he used to go on with his friends but since these dreams kept coming back and robbing his sleep he was always tired and never really properly functioned anymore.

Of cause his friends noticed these obvious changes and asked him about it but he always shrugged it off with some excuse which never really made sense.

Cooper really had his friends worried and they constantly told him to go to bed earlier but even if he did he would walk out of his room the same way he did the day before ; tired and not properly working.

The nightmares got worse and worse to a point where Cooper refused to go to sleep for so long that he'd eventually pass out on the couch for an hour or two until his nightmares woke him up again.

His friends were constantly trying to help and find out what was wrong with him but Cooper was still too scared to tell them.

Eventually one night he was passed out on the couch again when Travis went into the kitchen to get some water. Like so often because of his dreams Cooper woke up with a slight yelp. He was drenched in sweat, heavily breathing and even a few little teardrops rolled over his cheeks out of fear, exhaustion and Despair.

Travis who heard the little yelp was there immediately. "Coopie what's wrong?" He asked in a worried tone while sitting down next to him. "I-I..." Cooper burst out in tears burying his face in his hands. "It's okay. It's okay Coop I'm here." Travis calmingly said as he rubbed small circles on Coopers back.

Cooper slowly stopped sobbing as he spoke with a tired and broken voice "I know it sounds stupid but over the last few months I had horrible nightmares every night and it won't stop. It just won't stop and I can't do this anymore. I am so exhausted Trav and I can't get any rest. It feels like it's killing me from the inside." Cooper began to sob again when Travis pulled him into a tight hug trying to calm him once again.

"It's okay Cooper. I'm here for you." They sat there for a few more minutes just hugging when Travis broke the silence once again "Do you want me to sleep by your side tonight? Maybe it helps." Travis asked looking up at Cooper. He thought about it for a moment before he answered with a small nod "that would be really nice."

With those words Travis stood up and pulled Cooper towards his bedroom. As they were laying next to eachother Cooper was getting noticeably more calm. They were laying back to back when Cooper suddenly shifted his body so he'd face Travis. "Uhhm.... Is it okay if I hold you?" He asked shyly.

Travis just smiled to himself and said "Do whatever you need to do to get some rest." After he had spoken those words he felt Cooper's arms slowly make their way around his waist gripping onto it tightly.

He could feel Cooper's breath calmly stroke his neck while they both drifted away to sleep.

A good ten hours later Cooper woke up to the sound of Carson and Travis whispering to eachother. "Shhh be quiet this is his first night in months where he sleeps longer than two hours and if you wake him up I'm gonna kill you." Travis said slightly angry.

"I know Trav and I'm not going to but you have to get up to make breakfast. Noah is at his girlfriend's and you know that I'd burn the house down if I tried to cook." Carson said trying to animate Travis to make them food.

"Are you blind Carson?" Travis asked in disbelief still whispering "he has his arms around me like a bear. I won't be able to get up without waking him up!"

Carson sight in defeat and turned to go when Cooper finally decided to announce his awakening. "I am awake guys." He said loosening his grip on Travis.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly to better his sight. "Good morning Coopie. How did you sleep?" Travis asked happily now also sitting up.

"I slept, so it was good." Cooper simply replied. "Thank you Travis for letting me sleep like that." He smiled at the shorter boy Infront of him.

"Of cause! It was the best thing I could do to help you." Travis smiled back, now getting off the bed and putting on his slippers.

"So can you make breakfast now?" Carson asked excitedly looking at the curly haired boy. "Okay okay I'll make you two breakfast." He sighed and was rewarded with a happy yelp from Carson.

Even though Cooper had slept a good night of sleep he was still tired and not really working because of the insane lack of sleep over the past two month.

The whole day Cooper did absolutely nothing except for eating and using the bathroom. He was nervous about tonight. He didn't want to annoy Travis or Carson and sleep in their beds to really sleep nor wanted he to experience one of those horrible nightmares again.

The closer the night came the more nervous he got when out of nowhere Travis came bursting into the living room with a huge box in his hand. "What is that ?" Cooper asked confused as he looked at the giant cardboard box Infront of him. "This is the and of your problem." Travis said proudly. "What ?" Cooper was even more confused than before. "It's for you open it already." Carson said while also entering the room.

"Okay okay chill." Cooper said before he started opening the box.

Travis watched him with excitement in his eyes since he already knew what was hidden inside.

"No you didn't!" Cooper said smiling looking at the content in the box. "I thought since it was clearly the hug that helped you sleep I'd buy it for you !" Travis' smile grew even wider when Cooper finally pulled the giant stuffed animal out of the box immediately hugging it.

It was a giant really soft Lion. "Thank you so much Travis!" Cooper stood up and gave Travis a big hug.

The following nights were normal again for Cooper and only a few times when the Lion was in the washing machine he'd sleep next to Travis using him as his Lion.



sorry for not updating in so long. I have massive writer's block and a lot of school stuff to do lately. I really hope you like this chapter because I am really pleased with the outcome of this.
I am also really happy to see Carson stream again even though it gives me a major lack of sleep because of the time difference.
Please request so I can get out of this writer's block. (Please with some sort of base of an idea so I don't just have the prompt fluff for example) also thank you for almost 1k reads I am really thankful for that.


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