Confession😳🥺 (sorry for any mistakes😞)

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Mattia the said
Mattia-"look Y/N I'm sorry for everything. Really idek why I do this to you. We used to be best friends (we used to be best buddies but now where not I wish you would tell me why 😂 sorry just I had it in my mind) and then everything started to change during freshmen year😞. I'm sorry I never stood up for you but instead decided to Unfriend you and bully you. Als-

Before he could finish you stand up and walk over to the bed and sit down next to him and make him look up at you he then continues to talk

Mattia-" But uhm I'm so sorry 😐 for what happened today at lunch. I really hope you can forgive me and I want to try and start over as friends. I will also try to talk this out with the boys tomorrow."

After he just sat there and looked down you could see that he was crying 😭 you felt bad so you just gave him a tight hug. He looked up at you and gave you a tight hug right back. You felt butterflies 🦋 🦋. You started crying a little to remembering about all of the old memories of you and mattia and how bad things are now.

Y/N- "Mattia I will forgive you. I miss the relationship we used to have."

Mattia looked up at you with a big smile on his face 😊. You were happy that you guys were finally getting past this. After that you guys were just talking and listening to music when you get a text from your mom (there will be some Spanish because in the story you are Hispanic, Italian, and a bit Japanese). You then tell mattia you have to go home and get in your car and drive home. When you get home you go upstairs and tell your mom that you are home. You then walk to your room and lock the door. You decided to post on insta

Y/n.dxddy. Just posted

Liked by mattiapolibio and 1millon othersY/n

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Liked by mattiapolibio and 1millon others
Y/n.dxddy.- I'm tired of everything 😔
mattiapolibio- are you ok
~Y/n.dxddy.- yea I'm fine just need some rest you know
~mattiapolibio- ok well see you tomorrow

User2- I ship Y/N and mattia
~Y/n.dxddy.-we are just friends 🙄
~ User5- ok 🤥
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After that you set your phone Down and put it to charge. You then went to take a shower. When you got out you let your body air dry while you looked for something comfortable to sleep in.
You put this on:

After that you were laying in bed on your phone and you get a FaceTime call from mattia

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After that you were laying in bed on your phone and you get a FaceTime call from mattia. You answer and you guys talked for a few minutes. You guys were laughing and just having a good time. You then wake up and you see that it is the next morning and you see your still on FaceTime with mattia. You guessed you both must have fallen asleep on FaceTime. You look at him and you instantly get butterflies 🦋. You thought he looked so cute when he was asleep. You just smile and hang up and get ready for school.

At school

You see mattia but he doesn't look at you he just keep talking to his friends. But you didn't see kairi or Alejandro there. You just ignored it. Then the bell rang and you guys went to first period. When you walk into first and sit in the back. Then you see mattia walk in and he sits in the seat next to you. You were writing down notes when you feel something on your thigh. You look down and see Mattia's hand in your thigh. You instantly feel butterflies 🦋. You couldn't believe it you were catching feelings for mattia but you decided to hide them because you didn't think he liked you back. You also didn't think he was over his ex Jenna🙄. Then the bell rang for you to got to yo ur next class.
Mattia- "wait Y/N do you wanna hang out with me and the boys tonight at the park."

Y/N- "I don't think that will be a good idea they don't even like me."

Mattia- "oh okay well maybe next time but I will try to talk to them."

Y/n- "ok"

Skip to lunch

When the bell rang you go to lunch and sit with the girls you guys just talked throughout the whole lunch. You also told them about what happened between you and mattia because you trusted them they were your friends since elementary so you told them everything.

Vani-"that's so crazy 😝 I never would have expected this"
Mel and Addi-"yea neither would we"

You just laugh and then the bell rang. You guys go to the rest of your classes. And then the bell rang for you guys to go home it was finally Friday. The girls were also going to go to a party the next night with you so they were going to spend the night at your house. You guys get home and you guys were just scrolling through Tik Tok.

Y/n-" guys we should go the mall and buy some outfits for the party tomorrow"

All-"omg yesss let's go"

You guys put your shoes on and head to the mall you guys go to a few stores including Sephora and Victoria's Secret. After a little of shopping you guys the head to the food court and get something to eat. You guys ended up leaving the mall with like 20 bags in each of your hands. You guys get home and put everything away by the time you guys got home it was only 9 pm. So you decided to take a shower and then you guys would all go to sleep. You guys all took your showers. By the time all you had finished it was already like 11 about to be 12. You guys finished and you guys all slept in your bed since it was pretty big. You guys all got comfortable and then fell asleep 😴.

Word Count: 1,024

A/N- I hope you guys us enjoy this chapter this will be drama coming soon so yeah. But tell me what you guys think about this and I think I'ma add hector to the story soon so stay tuned. Also I'm sorry for any mistakes I try to make the least as possible but it gets hard after awhile. Bye love you guys 🥰

My Bully •Mattia Polibio• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now