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Then you saw that mattia wasn't next to you anymore. You went downstairs and you heard him on phone

Mattia-"I'm sorry ma we fell asleep and I forgot to call you"

Mattia's mom-it's fine but next time your grounded"

Mattia-"ok bye love you ma"

After he hung up you walked over to you. He jumped up a bit.
Mattia-"shit you scared the fuck out of me"
Y/n-"I'm sorry baby🥺"

Mattia-"it's fine let's just go back to sleep"
You guys went back up to yo ur room and fell back to sleep. You woke up the next morning at 6 and went downstairs to make you and mattia some breakfast. You made yourself and mattia some Avocado Toast  🥑. When mattia woke up he came downstairs gave you a kiss and you guys ate. After you guys were done eating you and mattia got ready for school. You wore this

 You wore this

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Mattia wore sweats with a hoodie that he had left here

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Mattia wore sweats with a hoodie that he had left here. After you guys were done getting dressed you guys headed to school in your car. When you guys got there the boys and vic were waiting for you guys. You guys all walked in together. You guys were just talking until the bell rang.

Skip to lunch
When the bell rang for lunch you guys all met outside of the cafeteria. When you all were there you guys went to eat at chick-fil-a. When you guys got back there was still 20 minutes before lunch ended so you guys just made some tiktoks and were talking.

End of the day
At the end of the day you all went to your house since your mom wasn't back from her business trip until one week. You guys were playing fifa on the Xbox. You and Vic were on the bed talking and scrolling through TikTok. You and Vic decided to make one where you threw it back on Vic. When the part came to where you there it back mattia pushed Vic out of the way and made you throw it back on him. You and Vic were just laughing and then mattia said

Mattia-"I'm The only one you can throw it back for understood"

Vic-"uhh no she is my girlfriend"

Ale-"what about me🥺"

Mattia-"your mine baby😚"

You were just on the bed laughing. Then you all started laughing. (Alvaro, Roshaun, and Robert moves to Florida forgot to mention ik Robert didn't but I'm to lazy to add more dialogue😂) while they were all upstairs you went downstairs and ordered pizza. When the pizza got there you took it upstairs and they all looked at you and rushed to the pizza. You just laughed and you guys all ate. When you Guys were done eating it was only 5. You were bored.

Y/n-"guys we should go ice skating"


Ale&mattia-"no we don't know how to"

Vic-"it's fine we'll teach you"

You guys all got ready and left. When you guys got there you and Vic were teaching ale and mattia when they fell. You and Vic were making fun of them. When they got up you guys just held their hands the whole time. After you guys finished ice skating you drive yo all of there houses to get close because they were spending the week at your house. When you guys went to you house you have ale and Vic the guess room which had a tv and a bathroom also a king size bed. You guys all went to your rooms and watched Netflix. You and mattia were cuddling while watching a movie. After the movie ended you were bored so you asked mattia if he wanted to get In the hot tub. He said sure so you put on a two piece and went into the hot tub. Mattia day in the corner and you sat on his lap. You guys started to make out and he put his hand on your ass and gave it a tight squeeze. You let out a little moan and then you guys just sat there and talked. After an hour you and mattia went back in. You guys heard moaning and you guys bursted out laughing. They heard you guys laughing and then the moaning stoped. You guys went back up to your room and went to sleep. You gave mattia a kiss and went to sleep.

A/n- I'm not making another chapter until this one gets 10 votes. So yeah also sorry for the boring chapter but the next one will be more interesting and fun. Sorry if there are any mistakes.

My Bully •Mattia Polibio• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now