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You see kairi going to take the shot then out of the blue Jenna kisses him. You get up and punch Jenna. Jenna then tries to swing back but you move out of the way. You both were fighting when you feel someone get you off of her. You saw it was mattia. You pushed him off and left the house. You then see kai come out. He comes next to you and hugs you. You just hug him back. When you pull back you guys just look at each other. Then you guys kiss. You see mattia and Jenna leaving. Jenna gives you a dirty look and you flip her off. You and Kairi went back inside. You guys stayed for a little while more and then left. After you got home you changed into comfy clothes, took off your makeup, and you and Kairi went to bed.

The next morning
The next morning when you wake up you were just admiring Kairi's face. After a while you got up but before you got out of the bed you gave him a kiss. You felt him kiss back and then when you tried getting up he pulled you back down. You just let it happen so you guys were just making out. When he finally pulls away he says "good morning mamas" you said "good morning" and then got up. You were bored so you got up and showered. You changed into this

When you came out you saw that Kairi had showered and changed to

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When you came out you saw that Kairi had showered and changed to. He had clothes at your house so he changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie. After you guys got ready you guys just watched a movie. You had ordered some good for you and Kairi. During the movie you could see kairi staring at you. You turned to look at him then you felt his lips crash into yours. You guys were making out. After 5 minutes of an intense make out session you guys went back to watching the movie. Kairi then got up to use the restroom. You saw that he had left his phone on the bed. You then saw that he had gotten a message from....TBC

A/n-who do you think it's gonna be. Might post one more MIGHT. but yeah this Kairi relationship bouta end but you guys are still gonna stay bestfriends. So yeah. Sorry for any mistakes and a short chapter. Bye luvs 😘❤️

My Bully •Mattia Polibio• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now