I cant take it anymore 😭😖

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When you noticed it was mattia you immediately turned around to go back inside. That's when he grabbed you by your wrist. You then turned around and slapped him right across his face. He then got so angry and he slapped you back. You were so shocked. He stood there and realized what he had done. You had a hand mark on your face. You just cried and went inside he tried apologizing but you didn't wanna hear it. You went inside and asked Vic if you could use her car and if ale can take her home. She asked what's wrong you told her you would tell her the next day. When you went home you took a bath and you were crying so hard. Your mom had went on another business trip for 3 months so no one was there. You were sitting in the bath tub but you were thinking. What is the point of you living anymore. You have nobody. Your worthless. Nobody likes you. Your not worth anything that why you got cheated on twice. You then grabbed a blade and started slitting your wrist. You then grabbed the pill bottle. Then you heard your front door open it was ale and Vic. They came to your room and notice you weren't in there so they knocked on your bathroom door


Y/n-" Vic I love you so much and you mean The world to me and ale you are like my brother I love you so much and will protect you at all cost. That why I want you to tell all the boys and my mom that I love all of them so much and they all mean The world to me. Im sorry for letting you down. I know this is the one thing you guys have never wanted me to do. But if I do this all the pain will be gone and the weight will finally be lifted of me. Just know I'm sorry for disappointing you and I love you all so so much" You said while crying

Vic started to bang on the door with ale. In the tub you only had a bikini on so you weren't naked. You were taking a bath that why you put on a bikini.

Vic-"y/n please don't do this to me I need you. You mean the world to me please don't do this please y/n just open The door and we can talk about this. We can all help you. This isn't the only way out. Just open the door please we all love you. We will get through this together. Just please don't do this. This isn't the easy way out this is just letting whatever is putting you in this state of mind win. Your letting it take over. Please open the door y/n please I love you" Vic said while sobbing

Y/n-"I love you guys"

With that you grabbed a handful of pills and just laid there in the bloody water.

Vic-"Y/N NOOO!!! PLEAE OPEN THE DOOR NO NO NO please don't do this to us"

Vic screamed while crying. Ale had finally broken the lock. When they saw you they quickly picked you up and they took you to the car. They took you to the hospital and called kairi and mattia (also known as the boys since the rest are gone). They rushed over to the hospital. When ale and Vic got there and the nurses saw you they immediately took you into a room and treated you. The boys waited for 3 hours. The doctors told them to come back the next day and to get some rest. They all agreed and went home.

Mattia's pov
This is all my fault. None of this would have had happened if I didn't do what I did with Jenna. But I was drunk and I wasn't thinking at the time. All this is my fault she probably hates me. And I also slapped her I am worthless I'm the most shittiest person to the most loving and caring person on earth. She loved me and I threw all that away like it was nothing. She is never going to forgive me and even if she does it won't be anytime soon. I literally could have killed the only person I love when all I'm trying to do is keep her safe. She doesn't deserve this.
After being wrapped in my thoughts I went to sleep I woke up the next morning at 12 and got ready to go see y/n.

Y/n's pov
When I woke up i I was in the hospital it was around 12. I saw my phone on the side and I immediately texted Vic. She said that she was on her way to see me. I was confused but then it hit me what happened yesterday and started balling my eyes out. When Vic walked in she saw me crying and immediately hugged me. We talked for a bit that when she said That somebody wanted to talk to me Alone. When they left mattia walked in and he looked like he had been crying all night. His eyes were red and puffy. But he also had a look of that he had just took a long nap and was still really tired because his eyes were bloodshot red. That when he came up to me and cupped my face with his hands. I flinched at his touch scared that he would possibly hurt me again.

Mattia's pov
I walked over to y/n and cupped her face. She flinched at my touch and that broke my heart into a million pieces. The love of my life was scared of me. The only person that I truly love is scared that I will possibly hurt her and that what hurt me the most that I started crying.

A/n-well this was a long one but what do you guys think about it. I honestly think it was a good one. But please can you guys start commenting and voting.Bye luvs🥰😘

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