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The next morning you wake up before everybody.  So you decided to go downstairs and make breakfast. You made eggs, bacon, breakfast sausages, chocolate chip pancakes, and some hash browns for everyone. While you were setting the table you see kairi come downstairs.

Kairi-"what smells so good"

Y/n-"I made breakfast"

Then you hear them all come down

All-"thank you"

You giggle. And asked them why they all woke up at the same time. They said you were being kind of loud. You served all of them and you guys ate.

Y/n-"so what do you guy wanna do today"

Kairi-"well we don't have school for one week so we can go to the mall"

Y/n-"yeah sure I mean I need some new bras. So me and Vic can go to our stores and you guys go to yours"

The boys-"ok"

You guys were all done eating so Kairi helped you out with the cleaning. You told him thank you and then you all went to change. They knew they were spending the night so they brought extra clothes. You decided to get in the shower and the others did to they used the guest bathroom. You were done showering so you changed into this

 You were done showering so you changed into this

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After you changed you just put light make up like lip gloss, mascara, and highlight

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After you changed you just put light make up like lip gloss, mascara, and highlight. After you were all ready you guys all got in the car and went to the mall. You and Vic went to Victoria secret you bought bras and some other items like perfume, face masks, and makeup products. When you guy were done you guys went into BATH AND BODY WORKS you guys were just shopping and you bought a few product there to. After about an hour or two of shopping you guys finally decided to meet up with the boys at the food court. You guys got some Chinese food and ate. After you guys were done eating you guys went to the car and put all of your stuff away and then got in.

Y/n-"so what do we do now"

They all just shrug their shoulders

Kairi-"we could all just go to the fair"


After you guys started the car and went to the fair. While you guys were in line for the Ferris wheel you were getting kind of cold and had goosebumps. Kairi noticed and gave you his hoodie.

Y/n-"thanks Kai but are you sure your not cold"

Kairi-"yes I'm sure it's fine"

When you guys got on the Ferris wheel you and Kairi went on together while mattia went with ale and Vic. You Kai were all the way on top when it got stuck. You and kai were talking when he was staring at you. You both started to lean in and you guys kissed. When you pulled back you were blushing. Then he asked if he could take you on a date the next day. You said sure and you both were just smiling at each other. When you and mattia had broken up when he cheated Kai always helped you out. You had recently just started developing some feeling for him. You thought maybe you actually had feeling for Kairi but kept going to mattia. You knew that wasn't it because you did like mattia. But you couldn't keep running back to him. So you decide to see how it would go with Kai and if it worked out great. If not then you could possibly give mattia another chance if he still wanted to try. After you guys got of it the Ferris wheel you guys went to play games. While you guys were playing Kairi had won a teddy bear and he gave it to you. You kissed his cheek and he blushed. You could see mattia getting a little jealous but you didn't care because he had his chances. You and kai were walking together. After a little while of being there you guys decided it was time to go home. You guys all got in the car and you dropped everyone off. It was just you and Kairi now. You dropped him off and before he got out of the car he gave you a kiss and you kissed back. After he left you smiled to yourself all the way home. When you got home you remembered that you still had Kairi's hoodie on. You smiled to yourself. You changed into some nike pros and kairis hoodie. You went to yourself thinking about Kairi and your date with him.

Next morning
Then next morning when you woke up you went to the restroom and brushed your teeth. It was 12 and you went downstairs to grab something to eat. You poured you self some cereal. You went back upstairs and watched a movie. You then fell back asleep. When you woke up it was already 3pm. You remembered yours and kairi's date at 5pm. You got up and showered you let your body air dry while you chose your outfit. You ended up choosing out this outfit

 You ended up choosing out this outfit

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For makeup you put on lashes and lipgloss you also did highlight

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For makeup you put on lashes and lipgloss you also did highlight. When you were done it was 5:05pm and Kairi texted you that he was outside when you went outside you saw him staring at you through the car window when you got in the car you have him a kiss. You guys were talking on the drive there and then you feel Kairi put his hand on your thigh. You started blushing like crazy. Kairi just smiled at you. You smiled back and you guys just kept on talking. When you guys finally got to the place you were shocked. He had brought you to a really fancy restaurant. You just stood there surprised and shocked that he would do all of this for you. You both got out of the car and walked in to the restaurant holding hands. When you guys walked in they led you to a table since Kairi had already made a reservation. TBC...

A/n-so this was so long and took forever. Plz start commenting ideas because I'm running out. And also tell me who you want me to add. I think y/n and Kairi are gonna be a thing for a while so yeah 😳. But n e ways plz comment and vote also this needs to get 10 votes in order for me to post the new one so yeah bye luvs also sorry for any mistakes🥰

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