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It's been two weeks if you and you and mattia talked everything out and now he is your bestie. But hector has been getting really jealous lately to the point where he has been hitting you. You try to act normal tho so nobody thinks anything.

1 week later
You are depressed because hector mentally and physically abuses you. He tells you that you are worthless. You have been cutting yourself recently. And even tho it is really hot you always wear a sweater to cover it up.

The boys and vic's POV

Mattia-"you guys tbh I am kind of worried about y/n"

Vic-"yeah she hasn't been her happy self lately"

Ale-"yeah also last time it was like 90 degrees outside and she was wearing a sweater. I told her to take it off but she wouldn't"

Kairi-"I think it could be hector is changing her"

Mattia-"We should go over and surprise her"


End of POV

Your POV
Hector came over and was screaming in your face and you screamed back and then he started beating you. When he left You started crying You couldn't take it anymore so You decided to grab your blade and pills. You went into the bathroom and sat in the tub. You started cutting from my wrist up to your elbow. You sat there the You grabbed the pills and took a handful. You were sitting there for 2 minutes and You heard your door open. You looked at the bathroom door as it opened and You saw Vic and the boys including mattia. When they saw you, you broke down then everything went black. You could still hear mattia crying and shouting. Then you couldn't hear anything at all.

The boys and vic's pov

Vic pov-We all ran to her shaking her then mattia picked her up she was covered in blood and we got in the car and took her to the hospital. When we got there they immediately put her in a room. We were all crying and freaking out but mattia was the one that was freaking out the most. We tried calming him down but he wouldn't. He ended up punching The wall and leaving a dent in it. After that he calmed down a bit we waited for the doctor to tell us something. After 3 hours of waiting they came out and they let us see her but they told us she wasn't awake yet. When we went in mattia sat by her holding her hand. He was blaming this on himself.

Back to your POV
When You woke up You saw all the boys and Vic crying. You looked at them and You were so lost. You asked what happened and after they told you you remembered everything and You broke down. Mattia was holding your hand and it made you feel safe. That's when they asked what you didn't want them to know. They asked why you were cutting your self and tried to commit. You just changed the subject and ignored it then mattia asked again but you ignored it the mattia yelled


You flinched at him screaming and they all noticed you just looked down. Then you sighed and quietly let out "hector". You looked up and saw the sadness and anger in Mattia's eyes. He asked why you never told him and you told him you didn't want him to worry. You made eye contact with him and he hugged you tight as you both cried together. The doctor came back in and said you would have to stay the night and that you would be able to go home tomorrow. You said ok it was around 6 and you were getting hungry you asked Vic and the boys if they could go get chick-fil-a they said yea and they all left but mattia stayed. You guy were talking and he was laying with you. Then you both made eye contact and you both leaned in and you kissed when you pulled away you were blushing. Then he said

Mattia-"what if me and you go on a date tomorrow after you get out"

You agreed and you guys were cuddling and the boys came in with the food. They just looked at you guys and They were happy. After you guys ate you talked for a little and you were finally feeling happy. Then Vic and the boys had to go but mattia stayed the night with you. He got in bed with you and you kissed him goodnight. Then you both fell asleep cuddling.

A/n-so what do you guys think about all the drama. Should there be more drama and should I start adding new people. Plz leave ideas in the comments and vote bye luvs 🥺👉🏼👈🏼❤️❤️

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