The unexpected 😱

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That's when you said guys don't worry it's not bad news so calm down. Then they calm down and ale said

Ale-"well then what is it"

Mattia-"well here it goes then *sigh* me and y/n are dating and we have been for about a week "

They all looked at each other kind of shocked hit not really. Then they all started bursting out laughing. You were so confused at what they were laughing about 😐.

Ale-"I think you guys have made that obvious enough"

Y/n-"what do you mean"

Ale-"every time we hangout with mattia he always talks about you and we have eyes we see the way you guy look at each other."

You and mattia just start to laugh with them. Then they started to play fifa whole you and Vic talk.

Vic-"you guys are such a cute ass couple"

Y/n-"thanks Vic but guess what"


Y/n-"you and ale would be such a cute ass couple as well"

you said while making this face😏. She then makes this face at you 😳😐. you two burst out in laughter. The boys looked at you guys confused and you said "boo got a staring problem" then you all burst o it laughing. After a little more of talking you guys when yo eat at Chick-Fil-A. When you guys finished you guys went into the lil kids playpen. You guys were messing around and being really loud. You guys were so loud that they asked you to leave. As soon as you guys walked out the door you guys bursted our in laughter. It was already 9:30 so you guys head home. You took Vic home and mattia took the boys home. When you get home you text mattia and tell him goodnight. He text you back saying goodnight and then you get into the shower. When you get out you instantly k.o. 😂

Next morning

The next morning to u wake up and put this on For school

The next morning to u wake up and put this on For school

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With some whit af1's. You then go to pick up Vic and you guys go to starburcks you order a caramel frapp and Vic does to. Then you both get to school. When you guys get there you see the boys. You guys go up to them and say hi then you give mattia a kiss.

Ale-"get a room🤮"

Mattia-"stfu before I strangle you"

My Bully •Mattia Polibio• (completed)Where stories live. Discover now