[4]~ HE

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I twisted one of the strand of my hair and pushed it behind my ear. I looked at my flushed cheeks and then I continued telling my own story to my own reflection.

"At that time my age was around 11 when I met him"


I was sitting in my typical Monday - morning state : falling asleep in the cosy atmosphere of the english room , listening to my teacher who was stammering in an annoying way which she usually did when she's going on about some great work of English Literature or something , written by someone important.

I turned my head and looked at the clock :11.15 a.m.
I sighed and grabbed my bag which was lying under my desk , i shoved my books back into it . Miss Philips was still trying to mutter on in her tiny voice above the noise which our class was making. I felt little tad of pity for my teacher who was still trying to regain the grumbling class's attention.

"C - c - class? Listen" Miss Philip waved her hand at some guys in the corner who were ignoring her completely.

Then suddenly our class teacher stormed into our class and announced that she is here to announce the results of the assessment which was held a few weeks ago. The class groaned.
One by one she started announcing everyone's name and then when the student whose name was been announced was standing beside her , she complimented him/her according to his/her marks.

"Luna". Finally she called my name. I went towards her. She shifted her gaze from my paper to my face. A small smile crept on her face. "Well done. You got highest in science and in other subjects you scored well but there is some problem with your maths." I knew it. "Its okay Luna keep working hard. Focus on mathematics more". I nodded. I took my papers and turned around started walking towards my seat.

She called next name.

" Adrian".

I don't know why I turned around. I saw a tall boy standing beside her. She said "Adrian you scored well. You should practice diagrams. I hope you are getting what I'm trying to say." He nodded with a stern look on his face. And then he went back.

I sat next to my bestie - Lily. She gave me a comforting smile and squeezed my arm and whispered "You saw this boy Adrian". After getting a positive response from me. She continued " He's a new admission."

"I know" I responded.

" There are a lot of girls who like him" she said with a grin.

"So?" I asked in confusion.

"What do you think about him?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes and threw a look at her and answered truthfully "As usual I don't care".

The bell rang. We all went out to play as this was our games. I started strolling around my school playground. Then my eyes fell on him again. He was playing football with full enthusiasm. He was shouting over a few members who were in his team to pass the ball to him. "So he likes playing but what's with his bossy attitude"I whispered to myself. " Ordering others to do what he wants!". I should ignore such people. They make me sick.


But my life was planning something different. After a few days my teacher asked me to sit with him. Ohhh so my life never wanted me to ignore him!! But still at that time I tried my best!

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I was writing a chapter in the book of my life his presence was so momentary ...
So profound was his imprint that he marked my entire story....♡♡♡

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