[10]~ WISHES

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I looked outside my car window. I slid the glass pane down ; allowing the cool gentle breeze to swiftly blow my messed up brown tangles back from my forehead. I closed my eyes. I just love this cool breeze. I looked up at the sky.

The sky was dark and quiet. Tons and tons of stars were illuminating the lands. There was a full moon, it seemed as if it was shining with it's full capacity to show it's dominancy over the darkness. The view was spectacular. It was as if millions and millions of stars were embedded on a dark sheet with a full sized moon.

I still remember when I was a child. I loved these dark but starry nights. I always gazed at them with grave fascination. They were really beautiful.

This reminded me of one of my cutest childhood memory. At that time I used to count the number of stars 'cause I believed that the more the number of stars are there, more happiness is present in my life!
I know this was just a childhood fantasy but at that time I believed in its existence. I was naive.

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I unwrapped my chocolate bar. And divided it into two equal parts. I passed one part to my sister, Ivy.
She was sitting quietly, her eyes were focused on her phone screen. Her curly hair were tied up in a ponytail. The shade of her brown hair is darker than mine but the colour of our eyes are same. People say we look similar and have a lot of similarities. Well that's what people except from siblings--- 'similarities'.

She took a small bite and muttered a thank you which was inaudible because of the music she was playing on her phone.

I again looked outside the window. The sky is still dark.

Ivy tucked my arm in her direction and asked me to look at her phone screen. There was a picture.
"Eiffel tower! " I squealed with delight.
" Yea!" Ivy said with a smile. "One day you will go there for sure.." She said with delight.

"yea! Let's see" I said softly.

"you know what di... I'll make sure all your dreams and wishes will come true one day..." She said in a confident tone.

I smiled.

I have a lot of wishes. I thought. But the most important wish of mine is to stay with Adrian. To be with him. To see him everyday. To make him laugh everyday.


Sometimes I feel that he doesn't like me now and will never like me.

He will never like me.

I don't know why I'm having such negative thoughts.

I don't know why but I have this gut feeling that the way things appear right now are a kind of illusion. It feels as if soon things will change. People will change. Everything will change.

Something bad will happen.

I wish that these are just a few stupid thoughts.

I closed my eyes.

Everything will be fine Luna. Just stay positive. Nothing will go wrong. I consoled myself.

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He is my sky... the frame of my world...
Always around wherever I go... ♡♡♡


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