Prologue. 1 month before the beginning.

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   Calla nodded her head to the beat, fingers tapping on the steering wheel as she sang along, just having fun with it.

   Elijah watched her, his foot gently tapping the floor of the car. It was as far into the hype his friend had that he could go. He was too focused on her to fully notice anything else.

   The female glanced at him for a second, looked back to the road, and shoved his shoulder softly as she stopped singing. "C'mon, you gotta sing along too" She stated.

   The human moved her hand off his shoulder. "No way. We're close to their place, and I will not be caught singing along to Dancing Queen, of all songs" He said jokingly.

   The female shook her head, skipping songs. This was her hype up playlist, Elijah knew it the second she skipped past "Feel This Moment" and "Die Young". Why would she need to get hyped up today? He wasn't exactly sure what it was they were doing, either, if he was being honest.

   All the boy knew was that they had gotten up super early, were picking up Lumine and Kody, and then going somewhere.

   If it weren't for the human's phone screen shattering a couple days ago, he'd have his phone with him and would see in their group chat what had been decided for their trip. Of course, he was an unlucky one, and dropped his phone when going up a staircase, and it broke halfway down the steps after falling out of his pocket.

   Elijah was snapped back to reality as Calla was pulling her car over to the side of the road, making sure it was out of the way before putting it into park.

   "What are you doing? Do you have another flat tire?" The male asked, looking to her, completely confused.

   The female shook her head, skipping a couple more songs before she seemed satisfied with one. "We're stopping," She explained. "Cause I need to make sure the guys are up, but I don't want to call" She stated, taking her phone from the cupholder and humming to the song as she typed quickly.

   Elijah watched his friend as she waited for a text back, beginning to move to the beat of the song again as she seemed to be patient.

   Huh, that was a new trait of hers.

   Something seemed different about her today, and the human wasn't sure why.

   "Aha! They are awake!" Calla exclaimed, handing her phone to the boy. "Tell them it's you before you reply" She said, putting the car back into drive.

   Elijah was confused, but then read the previous message, which was from Kody.

Sorry, we got up late, and might be ready a little later. Long night, lots of talking, and super tired. See you when you get here.

   "What were they talking about?" Elijah asked after sending a quick reply.

   The witch groaned. "Probably stuff we'll never know, knowing how they usually are" She said as she drove back onto the road, careful to avoid hitting any cars as she got back on the road.

   "Hopefully they're alright" Eli said quietly.

   "I'm sure they're fine. They wouldn't be coming today if they weren't" Calla said with a small shrug, getting in tune with the music once more.

   "You still haven't told me that yet"

   "Told you what? That they're still coming?"

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