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James stood in front of the mirror, leaning with his hands against the bathroom sink. Staring at his own reflection, watching as the steam from the warm water, covered up the mirror. He turned off the faucet, and dunked his hands into the water, and threw it into his face. He dunked his hands a second time, and splashed another handful.
He had spent the last two nights drinking, his mouth tasting of old whiskey. James had finished every bottle he had in his apartment. He wiped away the steam from the mirror, and stared at himself again. He felt as bad he looked. His face was disheveled, full of stubble. His eyes had bags around them, and his skin was tight and dehydrated.
He reached for the towel hanging beside the sink. And wiped his face off. The warm water helped, but he still wasn't feeling the greatest. He was in a poor situation. He hadn't written anything in months, his girlfriend was stuck over the border, and he had a hunch, his girlfriend was cheating on him too. And since the country was now in quarantine, he couldn't even leave the house, and do anything. And his new apartment, wasn't the most lively place, since him and another tenant were the only ones living in it.
James left the bathroom and made his way to the kitchen. He flicked a light switch on, and the entire kictchen lit up. His kitchen was small, but modest, and the entrance door to his apartment, was connected to his kitchen. The kitchen had a tobacco coloured, L-shaped countertop, with double-sink at the farthest wall. With a matching coloured set of L-shaped cupboards, above it. He had a stainless steel stove at the end of the counter. And stainless steel fridge, which sat beside the stove, and his kitchem floors were black linoleum.
He reached for the cupboard above his stove, and opened it. Pulling out a black, Black & Decker coffee maker. He placed it on the counter, beside a can of Folgers coffee grounds. He opened the can, and the top flap on the machine. And began to pour the grounds into the coffee filter. He went to the sink, coffee pot in hand, and filled it with water.
As the pot slowly started to fill up, he heard a light knock at his front door. Stopping what he was doing, he put the pot down on the counter, and went to his door to investigate the knock. James looked through the peep-hole, and could see no one standing in front of his door. He scoffed and returned to the coffee pot. And then he heard another knock. James turned back around and tore open the door, yelling out into the hallway.

"Quit it! I've got no time for these games and shit!"

But no one was there again. Thinking it was someone playing a prank on him, or he was just so tired and stressed that he was hearing things. He shook his head with, annoyance and began to close the door.

"Hey! I'm over here! To the left of you?!" Yelled a female voice.

Stopping in his tracks, he turned and poked his head out to the left, of the long red, dimly lit hallway, with brown carpeting.
She was leaning against her door frame, she wearing a tattered Rolling Stones, shirt, that barely covered her stomach. And a pair of Spongebob pajama pants. And had long black hair that was in a messy ponytail. She had a very defined, beautiful face. With soft features, and a pair of piercing, hazel-brown eyes. She was holding a bent up white broom handle, that was taped to another broom handle, of the same colour. James figured it was what she was using to reach and knock on his door.

"Why couldn't you just walk and knock on my door? It's like 10 feet away?!" He asked, with confusion heavy in his voice.

"I used the broom because of this social distancing shit going on!" She explained. "You can't be close to anyone! No crowds of people, and no close contact with anyone. Not even your own family!"

"It's not that bad, is it?" James asked.

"Yes it is! It's a fucking madhouse out there! Haven't you been watching the news?" She said. Throwing her arms up. "People are buying, and hoarding toilet, for some strange reason? And fights are breaking out, because of it."

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