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James leaned back against his door, and took deep breath. He had just handed his laptop to Celeste. And how she looked, in that bra and sweatpants. It really got to him. She looked really hot to him, she had a great body. But he felt guilty for thinking about it. 'What is wrong with me?!' He thought to himself, until his mind jumped to the fact, he had just been cheated on, and he didn't feel as bad.
He left the door and walked to his bedroom, going to the Bluetooth speaker and switching it off, to save it's power. As he turned to walk away. His phone started to ring. He looked down, and seen Stacy's name across the screen. His heart dropped, and his breathing skipped. James hesitated to grab it, but he ended picking it up, and answering it anyway.

"Hello?" He gently asked. Trying to hold back the urge of blurting out that he knew.

"Hey baby!" Stacy exclaimed on the other end. "How are you doing?! I miss you tons!"

"Yeah... I miss you too.." It made him mad, how nonchalant she acted. Like she hadn't been doing anything wrong.

"Is everything okay babe?! You don't sound happy?"

James took a moment to answer. 'Not happy, is a fucking understatement! He thought to himself. He felt like yelling at her over the phone, but he held it in.

"I'm okay... It's just this damn quarantine and stuff.." James quietly replied.

"I know! It sucks baby! Me and Robert are going to be stuck here, until we're allowed to fly back!"

"Yeah that sucks... At least your stuck in a warm place, with a beach and everything..."
'Bet you two are having a blast!'

"It's so nice! I wish I was here with you though! But no one is allowed at the beach, because of this whole social distancing thing... Same with the pool..."

"Yeah this whole social distancing thing is crazy. But we have to do it."

"Yeah we do baby. It's the only way to beat this corona thing..." She softly said.

"It's weird... You haven't talked to me like this in awhile..." James said.

"What do you mean?" Stacy asked with confusion.

"You know? Happy. Excited. You haven't spoken to me like that in a long time..."

"Yes I have baby! I do that lots! You're just having a hard time remembering." Stacy said with shock. "But anyways babe! I have to go, I gotta finish some work things with Robert. Talk to you later! I miss you, bye!"

Stacy hung up before James could say anything. 'Yeah... Work things with Robert... I know what that means...' He thought to himself, in disgust. And James knew she hadn't spoken to him like that in a long time. This past year, their relationship had been really rocky. He hadn't changed in their relationship, but she had. Ever since she started working with Robert. Which was a year ago.
James had only met Robert once, at Stacy's work Christmas party. He was tall, dark and handsome, and originally from Spain. And all the girls at Stacy's work, went gaga over him. Little did he know, Stacy was one of those girls, but he couldn't see it at the time. She was always working late nights with Robert, leaving James alone at home, almost every night. But he trusted her and always thought it was actual work they were doing. Not themselves. And soon after they started working together, Stacy's change, was immediate.
James didn't want to think about the whole ordeal. He felt exhausted after talking to her, he had to hold back so much. Bitting his tongue to the point of almost bleeding. And it took alot out of him. He still had the phone in his hand, he pressed the power button. And it held it down till his phone turned off. He didn't want to deal with anything at the moment. James thought writing would help him get his mind straight, but then he remembered, he didn't have his laptop. So he went over to the tall, wodden bookshelf, that was in the corner of his room, and grabbed a book.
He grabbed, The Catcher In The Rye. James sat his bed, his back against the headboard and started reading. He read the book once in highschool. It was apart of a literary assignment. And even after all these years, James still couldn't figure out, why this book was banned from so many schools. And why it was the cause of, not just one, but three, assassinations.
It was one of his favourites. But only one thing drove him nuts, reading it. Were the constant repeat of certain words, and phrases, from the main character of, Holden Caulfield. It was angsty-youth at its finest, that was still as powerful today, as it was when it was first released, nearly seventy years ago.
As he read through chapter, upon chapter. He felt his eyes get heavy. He fought through their tiredness, to keep on reading. But it was no use. His eyes slowly started to fall, and the book started to slip from his grasp. As sleep took over his body. The book fell to the floor with a small thud, which didn't even stir James. He was already fast sleep.

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