A few hours after talking with the campers, still no idea what to do with Delilah, I walked silently toward the infirmary, away from where Will sat with his siblings. He told me not to leave to see her without him, but, it was something I had to do, maybe she would listen to me, a son of hades. To have Will there, it could end up in both of us getting harmed.I stood outside the door, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself. I was of no use to anybody angry. Slowly, cautiously and nervously I walked in, seeing what could have been an innocent child lying soundlessly on the bed. Beside her was a vial, a vial of what must have been the antidote.
Carefully, I pulled out a syringe, and without a moment to think, quickly inserted the antidote into her, exhaling with relief as she began to stir.
It took several minutes for her to come around, and when she did, she was surprisingly calm.
" Delilah ." I asked, walking cautiously closer.
"Well look, it's the ghost king, coming to get the truth."
"The truth?" I asked, my voice not as strong as I would have liked it to be.
"Don't you want to know if people care, you know of me don't you? You know how I can tell things about people. You want to know if your boyfriend really loves you." She sounded so sure, so sadistic, so infuriating.
"I don't want to know any of that, I want to know why your here, why now?"
"You know the answer Di-Angelo, you can feel it too. There's an unrest, hades is in peril, the ghosts and spirits no longer obey their master, the hellhounds are under a new rule. You know this. There is no need for me to be here, no need except to see the one longing for answers." I gritted my teeth, Hades in peril, an unrest, I sensed it all yes, but I hoped myself to he wrong.
"I seek no answers Delilah, and it's time for you to go." I turned to leave, to speak to someone about this, to recollect myself.
"Do you really think they care about you son of hades? That boy, do you think he really loves you? You may know of me, but I know you too. Face the truth Nico, they are lying to you, your lying to yourself."
"No ones lying to anybody" I snapped. "They care, and they can care about you if you were nice." Her face didn't change, as she sat on the bed, her legs crossed in front of her."You face an inner turmoil, your emotions are loose, and you have barricaded yourself well. Your lying to yourself if you think they care. Your the son of hades, face the truth. No one can ever love us children. I heard that Leo talking about a boy whom he was afraid of, whom everybody was afraid of. That's how I knew where to find you. People pretend to like you because they are scared, see what fear does to people, it breaks them down. Forgot about these people, I can read them, I can tell they don't care about you. I can care though, we can work together, leave with me Son of Hades, we can rule the darkness together. There are ghosts and spirits running loose, help me contain them. Be the dark prince with me brother. That boy, he does not love you."
Tears threatened to spill, as she spoke what was my worst nightmare, the truth I was scared to face. I knew they couldn't love me.I was a corrupted son of hades, what was I doing lying to myself.
I turned and ran, closing my eyes tightly as I started to cry. Tearing my palm with my nails as I tried to calm my mind. I wanted to scream, to let out the pain. I needed to stop bottling everything up, I needed to start accepting the truth. How could I pretend it wasn't there so easily.
"Nico!" I heard, before I ran straight into Will.
"Where have you...?" He looked down at my hands where crimson slowly fell, at my bloodshot eyes, and tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Nico?" He said slowly, carefully, "What's wrong?"
"The truth, no one likes me. She told me, she told me I don't belong, I need to go, everyone's scared." I fell to the ground, weighed down with too much, grazing my knees on the merciless gravel.
"Nico, who told you, Delilah?." He knelt down next to me, putting his hand on my shoulders.
"Listen to me Nico, I love you, everyone does. No ones scared of you, you can't listen to her." I refused to look him in the eye, my tears falling to their fate on the gravel.
"Will, I'm going to hurt everybody, I need to go." I cried, my voice quiet.
"Go where?" He asked carefully, lifting up my chin to look him in the eyes. I refused to answer, I didn't know the answer myself.
"Come on, we're going to your cabin." His voice was stern, like there was no question as to where I was going.
"No!" I said still crying, still struggling to cling to one thought. I felt as if my brain was a city, where millions of lanes were opened up, cars, trains, thoughts all colliding, crashing, blowing up, hurting everything, killing things. I closed my eyes tightly, sobs wracking at my body.
"Make it go away!" I called out to anybody, holding my head in my hands, breathing deeply, as I started shaking uncontrollably, struggling to breath.
"Nico, Nico. Listen to me." His voice was careful, planned, soft, calm, I tried to focus on it all, I tried so hard, and yet I failed.
"Look at me Nico, we're going to take you to your cabin." Will held onto my arms, lifting me up as quickly and carefully as he could, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, supporting me as we walked to the cabin.
"Deep breaths Nico, deep breaths. It's going to be okay, it's your mind doing this to you, it's Delilah, she's playing with you, don't listen to her, she is manipulating you." In and out I breathed, leaning on Will as we entered my cabin. He placed me on the bed, leaning me against the wall, as he knelt down in front of me.
"I want you to look me in the eyes Nico and tell me that you really want to go, that you want me to go. Tell me that you don't love me, that I don't love you. If that's what you believe is the truth, say it to me."
I looked into his eyes as he lifted up my chin, swimming with worry and love, with light and dark. "I can't." I whispered, wiping at my eyes. I couldn't tell him I didn't love him, I couldn't lie to him like that. "But, Will, you don't get it, I can't love you because I'm me. Why do you think life's so fucked up for children of Hades, because we are not meant to be loved, we are death, we hurt people."
"Hades has a wife." Will replied quietly. "Hades has found love, whose to say he isn't happy. Just because hades is god of the underworld, doesn't mean his favourite thing is death, he is not death. He could have just as much been the sky as he was the underworld. If Zeus was suddenly to become god of the underworld, would everyone have to start hating and fearing Jason. Even if you believe their status defines who they are, then you are not your parents. You are not Hades, you are Nico Di-Angelo, and I love you." Will said, so passionately, so full of truth.
"Really?" I asked, almost like a hopeful child.
"Really, I love you Nico, don't let that Delilah chick screw with that. Now get some rest." Will turned to leave, but just before he went to open the door I called out quietly, "Can you stay?"
"Sorry?" He asked, coming closer.
"Can you stay." I asked somewhat louder this time, "At least until I fall asleep."
Will nodded, coming over to the bed, placing his arms around me, and that was all. It was all I needed. My nightmare still existed, and I feared it always would, but for now, now it was contained. I placed my head on his shoulder, and shortly after, fell asleep.PFFT, I'm a depressing writer. XD Here I am thinking I'll write a beautiful romance to take away from the depressing poetry, but the likelihood of that happening... :D
Anyway, what do you reckon? Frankly, the Delilah in my head right now is freaking me out, I don't really want to know what's going on up there. XD there's some more awesome stuff to come, with the unrest and all, so, I'll keep updating!!
Livs. Xxx

Apollo to heal a broken Hades
FanfictionA Solangelo fanfiction. WARNING: Spoilers for Blood of Olympus! The war is over, but one still rages on in Nico. Then there's Will, a son of Apollo, coming to terms with the fact that Nico is suffering, and it's something that perhaps he can not...