Death boy, ghost king, death breath, all of it, it seemed to be the only thing I was known by, even Will seemed incapable of just calling me Nico. Was there reason to it, was it because that was what I was known by, the son of hades, the son of death.
Who was I kidding, people didn't see me as myself, they see me as a smaller version of my father. How was I to believe what Will told me, about not being my father, if that was what I was defined as.
Maybe if I told them they would understand and begin calling me by my name. But no, it doesn't change the fact that the immediate thing that everyone thought of when they saw me was death. They do fear me, maybe Will doesn't, maybe he tells the truth, but, Will can't speak for everyone else. They fear what I am going to do to them, they look at me and see my father, if I want to speak, everyone listens out of fear, if I tell them to shut up, there's no complain.
Perhaps I should leave with Delilah, go on the quest, I could take Will with me, but that doesn't change the fact he's practically defenceless against the ghosts and spirits."Nico?" I heard my cabin door creep open as Will entered into the total darkness, I slither of light making its way into the room through the crack in the door.
I tried to stay silent, thinking maybe he would leave if he didn't think I was here, but at the same time, I felt the constricting feeling in my chest that I always felt when Will was around, and I wanted him to hold me.
"I'm here." I whispered ever so quietly, so that the silent tears that streamed my face from bloodshot eyes were not obvious through the pain in my voice.
I felt him sit down next to me, our thighs just barely touching, although I doubt he noticed like I did.
It seemed he wanted to ask me what was wrong, but the thing was he didn't. He just let me lean against his shoulder, the tears wetting the sleeve of his shirt.
It had been at least half an hour until I spoke, finally confident to speak my mind.
"Why do you call me death boy?" I asked, my voice almost Inaudible.
He took a deep breath before answering me, "I don't know Nico, I honestly don't. If that's what's bothering you, I promise I can stop."
"No." My voice was defiant, "Tell me. Is it because when you see me you think of death?"
"What no!"
"My father."
"Jesus Nico, of course not."
"My abilities." I asked slower this time.
He took some time to a see this one, "Yes. But let me finish."
I was going to walk off, but I didn't, I didn't because he told me not to, and I was emotionally helpless against him.
"It's the same way we call Percy Seeweed brain, or Kelp face, because his power lies in the ocean, not because he's fathers Poseidon, but because that's where his strongest, in the oceans, and he can control it."
"But...." I wanted to say something, to show him what he had said, but he butted in.
"I hate people being defined by their parents. When Percy called me sunshine today, I got pissed, because I have no gifts of the sun, my fathers the son god, but, my gifts lie in music and healing."
I found myself still crying, even though I believed what he said, that he didn't define anyone by their parents, something he said still unnerved me.
"Then you lied to me."
"What! I'd never lie to you Nico, I....."
"You said that when you saw me, you didn't think of death, but you do, because my power is death." I stood up, walking toward the door to leave, to find Delilah to leave camp with her, I needed someplace to go, preferably where no one knew me.
"Nico Di-Angelo!" Wills voice was strong, he sounded almost pissed, he turned on the light, grabbing my arm, and pulling me away from the door."Tell me Nico, is your power Killing things? Yes, you can kill things, but Percy Kills hundreds of things with his power, so does Jason, Piper and Leo practically killed Gaea with theirs. Annabeth's wisdom has been the downfall for many, Hazel has killed, Hell, Frank killed plenty. I let people die in the infirmary every day. We are all murders on that behalf, all of us speak death, bring it on. Your power is to control corpses And ghosts and spirits. You don't have the power to just tell someone to die, you don't kill things like that. You kill things like all demigods do. So I don't think of death and killing when I see you, your nicknames merely defines your ability to control the dead once they are dead, already killed by someone else." He's words were almost angry, his every word like a slap to the face.
"I'm almost sick of this Nico, your feeling sorry for yourself, thinking everyone's out to get you. I get it Nico, you lost your sister when you were young, but we have all lost people, everyone has lost someone who they cared about, it's the price for being a demigod. And I promise, I'm not saying I don't care, because I do, but maybe, if you stopped feeling sorry for yourself. Your the son of Hades, I get that too, but stop thinking the worlds out to get you because of it. You don't kill things like that, you are not your father, and really, your father is a really respected god right now. So your father is god of the underworld, he doesn't kill people, it's us who kill them, he merely gives them a place to stay. Think about it, zeus shoots things out of the sky, Poseidon sinks people, created earthquakes that destroy homes, the gods are figures of destruction also, we demigods kill so many. People die on their own accord, the mortals hurt themselves. Your father controls the place they go when they die, not kill them. The people that have been killed by these people, you control them, not kill them, control them. The amount of people you've saved Nico, your a true Hero. So for once, understand this, and stop feeling sorry for yourself, because really, I'm nearly over it. I get your hurting and I'm here to help you, but help yourself as well."At those last words Will left the cabin, silently closing the door behind him, leaving me alone with his words, and my thoughts. My thoughts at how right he was, how bad I felt, how I had spent so long not really living, just feeling sorry for myself. Not thinking about how the others may feel, that I wasn't the only one. But, l still felt as if he couldn't speak for everyone.
Quickly, a grabbed my sword from where it lay beside me and ran outside, to where Percy was on duty watching Delilah. We took turns all of us, watching her until it was time to take action, and I knew for a fact it was Percy's turn, he had been complaining about it all day.
"Percy!" I called, almost out of breath, I had gotten quite unfit pretty quickly.
"Yes ghost king."
"Why do you call me that?"
"What Ghost king? Cause you control the ghosts stupid." Percy answered, his eyes not leaving Delilah.
"What about death breath and Death boy?"
"Are these nicknames annoying you Nico?" I think he was laughing at me.
"Answer the damn question Jackson!" I wasn't in the mood.
"Cause there what you do, play with the dead, control then, what's this about?"
"Nothing, here you can go, I'll watch her."
"Sweet." Percy answered, "Thanks." He began walking away without a second glance.
I looked at the entrance to Delilah's room, it was time to take a chance and ask her some questions. I needed answers, we, the camp needed answers, and the dark princess had them.Hey guys!! Sorry it's been so long, it's been a hectic couple of days with finishing school and all! But, I'm officially done so except to me spammed with updates.
I can't believe I have almost 300 reads, it really keeps me motivated, and happy. :D
Livs Xxx

Apollo to heal a broken Hades
FanfictionA Solangelo fanfiction. WARNING: Spoilers for Blood of Olympus! The war is over, but one still rages on in Nico. Then there's Will, a son of Apollo, coming to terms with the fact that Nico is suffering, and it's something that perhaps he can not...