Awe Babe It's a Prank!! (Part 2)

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Based off of an:
Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: yes {It uses the Gif above if you'd like to know which I'm going off of, but it's pretty explanatory.......}
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes

⚠️ read at your own digression there is mentions of blood, it's fake blood but even if you are triggered by blood at all you probably shouldn't read this.
I'm so sorry, this one is a bit shorter then the last, but it's still amazing so read it.

Word count: 1335


Your Pov:
We walk into mine and Colby's room and I grab the blood.

"Give me a moment, can you go set up the cameras up near the stairs and I'll set one up in here. You will also be filming, making it look like I have a surprise up here for him....." I say and he nods.

"Ay ay, Captain!" He says, saluting me like it's the military.

I set one up then go into our bathroom. I change into his least favorite shirt and some Nike shorts that are ripped, I don't wear these anymore.

I then go in front of the camera that is on the tripod.

"Ok guys!! It's y/n! And today I'm pranking my baby. As you can see, I'm "bloody"... it's fake. I don't agree with this kind of prank, BUT I need him to believe this one, SO I'm going all out for it. He'll be here in like fifteen minutes so I gotta get set up."

I do a cool transition by putting my hand over the lens.

I put a little of the blood on the side of the desk so it looks like I hit my head and a little on my head. I also put some down the side of my neck.

I then put a pool of the blood on the floor and when I'm done I hide the fake blood bottle in the bathroom. I then make my face look tear stained like I had been crying.

I go back to the camera and go up to it.

"Ok guys, so this is what the final product looks like! I'm gonna go hide you now." I hid the camera, then lay in the blood, giving the camera a thumbs-up with a light giggle.

A moment later I hear the door open and Corey is shouting at Colby, who laughs but also complains that there's a camera being shoved in his face.

Now it's time for me to go into my acting, so I close my eyes and just lay there with a frown on my face that looks tear stained..........



Your Pov:
I hear the front door open downstairs and let out a light giggle when I hear Corey yelling. I'm assuming he's acting all weird like he always does.

"HEY COLLLLLBY!!!" Corey yells and I can only imagine him being all up in his face with the camera.

"Dude, I just got home! Why the hell are you shoving a camera in my face?" Colby says with a small laugh and I can only imagine the annoyed face that he'd be giving Corey.

"Cuuuuuuuuuzzzzzzz someone has a surprise for you upstairs and she asked me to film you......" Corey says, trailing off, and if I must admit he's being very convincing at the moment.

"Wait, really?" Colby says in a tone that sounds excited now.

I then hear light footsteps approaching the room. I'm assuming Corey is walking and talking while he films Colby coming up to our room.

"Yes, really!! Would I, the papa Gunther, lie to you?!" Corey says like he's offended and I giggle lightly.

I can only imagine papa Gunther having a hand up to his chest like he's supper offended at what Colby just said.

"Yes you of all people, papa Gunther would lie. You'd lie to anyone if it's a prank," Colby says like it's an obvious statement.

I then hear them come around the corner and decide to move just a tiny bit in a slightly more comfortable position. I wait for a bit, then hear them stop just at the edge of our bedroom door, Colby not looking over at me yet.

"Ok, what's up?" Colby says in a skeptical tone with one eyebrow raised. He walks just into the doorway, but still is looking in Corey's direction.

Finally he walks all the way in and turns around and sees me on the floor in the pool of my own "blood".

"Y/n!!" He yells when he sees me laying there and instantly rushes over to me.

When he gets over to me, he bends down and quickly starts to freak out more as he looks down at me.

He then looks over to Corey and goes off in confusion and a little anger, but more panicked for me then actually angry.

"What the hell happened!!? I thought you said she had a surprise for me?!" Colby says as he starts to pace back and forth with his hands going through his hair.

"I don't know! She was fine when I was up here twenty minutes ago! Maybe something happened while she was getting the surprise ready?" Corey says acting like he has no clue at all.

Colby stops pacing and comes over to me. He grabs my face in his hands and shakes my face a little bit.

"Baby!! Baby, can you hear me? Come on babe say something, anything......" Colby says pleadingly, only to trail off as he tries to get me to wake up and talk to him.

"What the hell happened?" He yells in a frustrated tone. He gets back up off his knees and runs to the bathroom.

Not even a moment later, he runs back in with a towel in his hand. He then kneels down by my head with tears in his eyes and he picks up my head lightly. He then puts the towel under my head and looks up at Corey who is still filming.

"Dude! Why are you still filming?!! Turn that damn camera off and help me!!"  Colby yells at Corey in a pleading and angry tone.

Corey pretends to turn off the camera and sets it on the bed so it can still have a different angle of what's going on.

"Thank you!" Colby says, slightly irritated.

Colby then picks up my head, slowly turns me over and pulls me into his lap, not caring if he gets blood on him.

Awe my baby, I feel bad and just want to hug him and kiss him. But I need to take it a little farther. I want to finish the whole plan that we had organized.

Corey comes over and pretends to inspect the area around me.

"She must have hit her head here on the corner of the desk," Corey says, pointing to the blood that's on the corner of the desk.

"Come on, baby, wake up. Please......." Colby says while holding the towel to my head more so than before.

Awe, baby I'm so sorry, I just want to cuddle him so bad, but I can't, I need to keep this going a little farther.

"If she doesn't wake up soon, man, we'll have to take her to the ER," Corey says and Colby just tears up even more.

"Please, babe, wake up....." Colby says as he strokes the side of my head lightly.

I then decided it's time to start moaning like I'm in pain and move just a little bit. Colby smiles lightly and strokes the side of my cheek a little.

"Come on baby, you got it. You're ok, I'm here, just open your eyes for me," Colby tries to get me to interact with him and start talking.

All I do is moan in pain and make it seem like it's taking me a little bit to actually open my eyes. Finally, I decide that it's time to fully open my eyes and I look up at him.


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