Don't Worry Baby I'm Coming Home Soon (Part 2)

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Based off of an:
Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes

I listened to the song above while writing it, it in no way shape or form was written off of the song, it just goes along with this short story really well.
Biased mainly on this video:

This one is a bit shorter then the rest. I'm sorry for it being shorter, but! Good news is it's at least still over 1000 words so I'm happy about that. Anyway enjoy the story. Love you!

Word count: 1025


Your Pov:
"What?! No, baby, no! I had no part in this, I was just as scared as you! Elton was the only one who knew about this!" Colby says trying to get you to understand.

I then hear Brennen in the background going crazy.

"Dude, he's right! I was like, F***! I'm such a bad friend because I was gonna leave him! I didn't wanna actually leave you, bro!" Brennen explains, laughing and freaking out a bit.

"I know you didn't want to bro...." Colby says and I can imagine them bro hugging.

"You would have been a bad friend in my book, Bren. You also would not have been on my good side at all," I say with a giggle and he freaks out a little more then before.

"Dude! Elton, what were you trying to do, get us all killed?! She was so close to exploding dude!!" Brennen asks in a scared tone and I giggle.

"Oh yeah, well Bren you guys still scared the shit out of me. I was literally going to fly over to get Colby," I say and hear the guys awe at me.

"I didn't think he'd call her!" Elton says in a defensive tone.

"Dude! Are you crazy! Of course he'd call his girlfriend when he's freaked out!! What did you think he'd do?! Just freak out and not tell her?!" Brennen says in a yeah right tone.

"Well!! I don't know!!" Elton says and I can imagine him putting his arms up in surrender.

"OH MY GOD!!" Colby says in a funny tone as he realizes more about the situation. I can only imagine him running a hand over his face in pure shock.

"She's comin for you brother, really comin for you." Brennen says and Elton lets out a small scared sound making me laugh.

"That's what you get Elton." I hear Colby say and chuckle as Elton kinda gasps like he's offended.

"Elton, you better watch your back and be very scared....." Brennen says, making me giggle and the guys laugh.

"Really, Elton, you better watch it. I'm getting you back for this! You literally had me so scared, I was freaking out. I was worried for the safety of my boyfriend!" I say and everyone laughs saying things like 'ohhhhhhh' and 'burn'.

"Awe baby girl, I am so, so sorry. I love you! Thank you for wanting to jump on a plane right away for me," Colby says into the phone and I smile a big smile.

"You're welcome babe, anytime. You'd do the exact same for me. I love you too," I say and hear the guys say aww again, making me giggle.

"Ok, baby girl, again I'm so sorry for freaking you out!" Colby says and I giggle.

"It's ok, just get home to me as quick as you can now I need cuddles from you," I say and then the guys make gag noises causing me to giggle.

"Believe me baby girl I need cuddles from you too," Colby says and I can imagine him smiling from ear to ear.

"Get a room, you two!" Brennen says and all the guys shout agreements.

"We already have one, Bren, just one of us isn't in said room yet....." I say and he makes another gag noise again.

"Grossssss!! I did not need to hear that!!" Brennen says and we all laugh at him.

Elton starts laughing again which makes all the guys start to laugh.

"Elton, if I were you, I'd shut up! I was so scared! And it's your fault!" I say and giggle when he lets out a small shriek like a girl would.

"We actually have to catch our flight now..." Elton says, still laughing only now it's a scared laugh.

"Ok, uhhh baby, I'm gonna text you. I'm so sorry," Colby says as he gets ready to hang up.

"It's not your fault it's Elton's fault if it's anyone's," I say with a giggle.

"Hey! I'm sorry ok! It was just a prank! Please don't actually kill me!" Elton say pleadingly making me giggle.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't," I say and I can only imagine Elton's smile falling.

"Oh no....... I'm dead......" Elton says, making me and all the guys laugh at him.

"Ok baby girl, I'll see you in a few hours then when we get home I'll cuddle the hell outta you," Colby says in a loving tone that makes me smile.

"Of course. I'll see you when you get home. I love you," I say and smile bigger then before.

"I love you too. I'll see you soon," he says and hangs up.

~a few hours later~

I walk around the few blocks that it takes to get to LAX and go to where I will be seeing him in a few minutes. I walk to the gate he told me he'd be coming from and wait for a while.

I'm literally rocking back and forth on the heels of my feet. I keep checking my watch every few seconds waiting for the next fifteen minutes to pass as I wait anxiously.

I get to see my baby again in a few short moments. Man have I missed him so bad. I just can't wait to see him and be in his arms again.

When I see him coming out from the gate, I smile and run to him, jumping in his arms wrapping my legs around his torso, my arms around his neck.

"I'm so happy you're home. I missed you so so much." I say as I nuzzle my head into his neck and start to tear up.

"I'm happy to be back too, babe. I missed you too." He rubs my back lightly trying in a way to calm my tears.

"Let's go home and cuddle in our bed," he says and kisses the side of my neck.

I then step away from him and we walk side by side. He grabs my hand and smiles at me. We walk home hand in hand, just happy to be together.


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