Babe, Something happened tonight....

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Based off of:

Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes

I listened to the song above while writing this, it in no way shape or form was written off of the song, it just goes along with this chapter really well.

This is based on Sam's fall. When he broke his back. Some details may be changed and no I will not be attaching the video. If you want to see it you have to find it yourself sorry. All time from leaving the house to the hospital is all my estimates by the stories and tweets that were posted that night.

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS JUST A STORY! I'm so sorry Sam had to go through this and I am in no way shape or form trying to make fun of it at all (although he himself just laughs at it. I can't believe he does that, I'd be so mad at myself for even doing it let alone making jokes off of it, I mean I probably would after a couple days, but I applaud Sam for making a bad situation into something not so bad for himself.)

Word count: 2309


You're prov:

I'm sitting on the couch playing Kingdom Hearts on my Xbox one when my phone goes off, making me groan and pause the game to check it.

When I look at it I see that Colby's calling me. I smile and pick up, although something deep inside me tells me something is wrong.

"Hey babe, how's your day going?" I ask and my smile falls when he lets out a small sigh.

"Babe..... Sam got hurt," he says quietly, his voice shaking a little like he's about to cry.

It's only logical that he'd cry. Sam is like his brother. Although on the outside, around other people, he's probably just making jokes to play it off. I see right though his jokes every time though. I know he does that to cover up the fact that he's actually really upset or sad or scared...

"Awe, babe! What happened?" I ask and I hear a light sniffle.

"We were being stupid and....." he trails off with a heavy sigh.

"And let me guess, you're Mr. Joke man?" I ask and he chuckles.

"You'd be right there baby," he says and I giggle.

"Well, I do know my boyfriend very well....." I say and he chuckles again.

"Well I would hope you'd know me well," he says and chuckles only to let out another sigh.

"What's going on? Talk to me, Colbs," I say and he doesn't say anything at all.

"Facetime me honey," I say, but he just sighs again.

"I don't know if I want you to see me in my mess," he admits and I roll my eyes.

"Colby, one day I'm going to see that mess and I should be the one you show it to, so FaceTime me now," I say as authoritatively as I can.

"Fine. You're right," he agrees.

I wait for a moment till my phone starts with the FaceTime ringtone and I answer. When I do, it hurts seeing my boyfriend's tear stained face.

"Awe, babe..." I say and wish I could hug him. "What happened? Are you at the hospital?" I try to look closely at where he is.

"More like the E.R, but yes. I wasn't allowed in with him," he says and I gasp.

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