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All I want tonight,
is a lover to hold me while I sleep,
arms wrapped around me,
chest to my back,
face nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

All I want tonight,
is to fall asleep without dreams,
dreams of a boy that will never be mine,
to fall asleep peacefully,
knowing that all is right in my world.

All I want tonight,
is confirmation,
for him to tell me how he feels,
so I can finally stop this over thinking.

I'll take the rejection and move on,
knowing I'll no longer waste time,
on a boy who didn't want me.

All I want tonight is to be ignited by a spark,
a rebellious spark ,
that pushes me out the window,
begging for a boy to pick me up,
and take me away for the night,
just a few rebellious and exciting hours.

All I want tonight,
is peace and love,
rebellion and fun,
confirmation and acceptance,
all the things I need but don't know how to get.

All the things I'm too afraid to obtain.

To afraid to change my life,
scared it'll be for worse,
rather than better.

All I want is tonight. Tomorrow. And all that comes next.

Excerpts of A Chaotic MindWhere stories live. Discover now