Shut up. Focus. Hurry up.

13 1 0

The question doesnt make sense. Highlight sections.

Does it look neat? Shut up. It doesnt matter. Read the question.

Youre breathing too loud; the whole room can hear you. Remember year 4?

Shut up. Focus.

How much time is left? Shit. Ive spent 2 minutes reading a question.

Breathe normally; youre making a scene.

Control your panic, you dont have anxiety there is no reason for this. Youll look like youre faking.

Shut up. Control yourself.

Count something, thats what is supposed to help anxiety right?

Stop it. Focus.

One, two. Focus!

What was I counting? What number am I on? What comes next?

Time is running out; you need to finish the test.

Are people looking at me? Can they see me freaking out? Are they laughing at the expressions on my face?

Of course not. They have an exam; the same exam that you are wasting time on.

Breathe. Write an answer.

Is the answer wrong? Shit. Scribble it out and start again.

Does my answer make sense? Shit. Highlight it, rewrite it.

How many questions left? Time is running out. Focus! Focus!

A girl is playing with her hair, she finished the exam. Dumbass, head down. Finish it.

People have finished their exam.

Dont be the dumbass still writing when time runs out.

Finish it. Hurry up.

You taught yourself this yesterday. You know the formula. Its right in front of you.

How do I use it? Which letter means what?

Communicate! Half points. Finish it.

How did you go on the exam? Did you finish?

Look around. Everyone is relaxed. They did well. Why are you still upset? Its over.

that was easy as, thank god for cramming!

Theyre laughing. Only dumbasses found the test hard.

You are dumb. Hang your head, get out of there.


Excerpts of A Chaotic MindWhere stories live. Discover now