Chapter 4- Where we're at again?

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Chapter 4 Revised

The trio was suddenly transported into a void similar to the one after Kaguya did the mysterious jutsu.

"Where are we now?" Naruto said exasperatedly

" The fuck just happened earlier" said Sakura still shocked to the core

"I think we just get sucked again" Sasuke said

"I think she did a jutsu that enables us to travel between time instead of places, so it's a more advanced version of her dimension-travel ability"

"Hm yeah, good analyzing skill tem- WAIT SAKURA-CHAN DID YOU SHRINK!?" shouted Naruto once more

"What do you mean i sh- OH MY NARUTO WHAT HAPPENED"

All three of them was now aware of their physical condition and started to bicker and fight until a figure suddenly appears

"I do not expect that we will meet this soon" the figure suddenly said

Naruto and Sasuke stops their catfight and seems to recognize the figure

"Hagoromo jiji!"

"Hmph, is this all your doings Hagoromo? I command you to get us back"

"Wait,wait who is he ?" Sakura asks them confusedly

"Well he's the son of Kaguya Sakura-chan, but he's like the good version because the other ends up to be the Uchiha's ancestors, and he's quite nice too because he gave Sasuke and I our powers" Naruto rambles while showing his marked palm to to Sakura while grabbing Sasuke too in the process

"Quit it dobe" Sasuke said prying his hands off Naruto

" Well, I guess that's an adequate explanation"

"But as to why I'm here is because I'm going to give you a second chance to make a better world"

"What do you mean a better world? Like the tsukuyomi?" asks Sakura

"I thought you opposed Madara" Sasuke grumbles

"Of course I opposed him, what I mean is that I will give you a chance to relive your childhood hence your different physical appearance, I trust you will use your time wisely" explains Hagoromo

"Wait what?" Naruto said confusedly

"Wait how come you're here on the first place?"

"I have ingrained a small portion of my chakra in the seals that I have given you two" while pointing to Naruto and Sasuke

" I have programmed it so I will appear if all is lost and there's no other hope. Given the fact that mother had used that jutsu, the seal inside you was activated, I tried to transport you immediately but due to the lack of control, you meet your child version instead of merging with them"

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura looks dumbfounded but they still listens to what the god says

" Wait, why us?" asks Naruto

" Surely there are better options, take the shodai for example, he's also the reincarnation of Ashura!"

"Call it fate boy, I choose you three to save the world" answered Hagoromo

" Well we look 6 which means Obito has already done a part of Madara's master plan, why don't you use the fourth Hokage to stop Obito before he conducted his first steps?" asks Sasuke

"The amount of my chakra inside you is not sufficient to do that and the fourth is not a reincarnation of any kind, I choose you three"

"There's no much time left, I hope you can save the world this time" Hagoromo said bleakfully

"Wait, what about our chakra reserves and my kyuubi mode?" shouted Naruto

"Yeah, I don't fancy another fight with Itachi to get my mangekyou"

" Learning another 3 years with Tsunade is a pain you know"

"Very well, you will have your current ability though your bodies might need time to adjust to your current strength" answered Hagoromo

"We don't have much time, I bid you three good luck"

With that, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura was suddenly transported into a place they're so familiar of

"Is this..?"

"Yeah dobe, we're in Konoha"

They were standing on top of the Hokage mountain which overlooks the whole village

"I have forgotten what it's like to be here, last time I remembered it was all a crater" said Sakura referencing to either Pain's or Madara's attack

"Well now we're here and we will make things right, dattebayo!"

" Good to have you back dobe" Sasuke said while smirking

"Wait if we're six, then um...Sasuke your parents are still alive" Sakura said hesitantly

That realization hits Sasuke hard, the time seems to have stopped until he starts talking.

"I need to kill Danzo..I have a year to prepare and I need to stop the coup once and for all" Sasuke said menacingly

"It's we teme, we will help you no matter what, Obito is involved too and I'm sure you can't defeat him alone"

"Yeah Sasuke-kun, we will do this together"

"Hn, okay then but what's the plan?" Sasuke asks

" Well we need to get close to Danzo in order to kill him, he always have ROOT members around him" Naruto said

" I have an idea, what if we become an ANBU?" Sakura proposed

"An ANBU at six, as much as I loved that idea, that's kind of not possible Sakura-chan" complains Naruto

" Naruto's right...but I think it's possible if we get someone to help us"

" Huh ? Who?"

Sasuke turns his head an focus on the highest building in the village, the Hokage tower

"Jiji? Are you sure about this teme?"

" I hate him too because he's the cause of the massacre but, he's our only chance"

" I agree with Sasuke-kun"

" Well there is a saying to keep your enemies close right, let's do this dattebayo" Naruto said while jumping to the Hokage tower


"Hn, dobe"

They arrived at the tower and managed to evade all the ANBU, props to Naruto experience, they then enters the Hokage office by entering through the window

"Wha? How can..NARUTO?!" shouted Sarutobi

"Hahah, look at your face jiji, you looked so shocked" laughs Naruto off

"Well jiji, we need to talk to you about something important" he said, changing the mood rapidly



I changed Toneri into Hagoromo because I think it makes more sense because Toneri makes a lot of trouble and Hagoromo was the kinder Ootsuki so yeah I gave some credits for him.

Chapter 5 will be up shortly!

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