9. Round two

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[Byul pov]:

A couple of free days passed by. I tried to spend them with a proper ballance of resting and practicing, but there was one thing that wouldn't leave my mind. Her.

I wondered if i should send her another message but after all I did not find it appropriate since she never replied to me in the first place. I supposed I should just give her time. And no matter what, I'm gonna see her in the second round audition.

Being friends with her roommates also gave me a little bit of hope for meeting Yongsun sooner.

Wheein already added me on all social media and texted me to check how was i doing.

Now I was walking to the company's building, ready for the round two. It felt good. It felt really good to know I was good enough to continue in the contest. It was already more than I dared to hope for.

I went inside and I saw people standing in the corridor, chatting, checking their phones, practicing their voices or stretching.

I walk into the bathroom in order to do my makeup. I look into the mirror, open my bag and start the process. I put on the foundation when I hear someone singing. I look around and realize its coming from one of the toilet rooms. I try to focus on my makeup, but the singing is so surprising and beautiful, that i mess up my eyeliner.

I quickly grab a wet tissue and try to fix the mess i made on my face.

The toilet door opens. "Oh."

I freeze as I see Yongsun's reflection in the mirror.

I turn to her.


"Um... I was just... practicing, you know..." she smiles shily, looks down and leads to the exit door. She seems very exhausted.

"I think it was great."

She gives me a bittersweet smile. "Thank you."


I had no time to finish my makeup so in the end i decided to wear one eye with eyeliner, one without and some really badly done lipstick and decided to call it "new style". I'll just say it's a new trend in foreign countries.


Confused I look around. "Yes??"

Someone gives me a firm hug. "Good to see you!" Wheein says to my ear loudly and I smile.

"Same to you. Are you nervous?"

"A bit... But I think more than not getting accepted I fear getting seperated from Hyejin... What if one of us gets acceptet and the other one not? That's so harsh, oh no..."

"Don't worry, im sure it will be fine," i smile. "Where is she, by the way?"

Wheein opens her mouth, when we hear the CEO door open and ten formally dressed people come out. Here we go.

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