17. Morning after

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I open my eyes. Byulie's face is right in front of mine. Her eyes are scanning every detail of my face. I feel flattered. Happy. Her face makes me happy.

Our eyes meet and she smiles. "Morning, Sunshine."

I smile back. I feel a bit of pain in my head. 

"What happened?" 

"You mean yesterday? You drank, were dirty and then fell asleep like an innocent cutie."

"I did what?"

She kisses my nose lightly. "Absolute cutie."

I pull her in a hug. I cover my face in her neck and smell her skin.

"Can i stay like this forever?" I ask.

She chuckles. "Sure. I'd love it."

"Ok, lets do that."

"But how will you pee...?"

I bite her neck. 


"You ruined a romantic moment, so this is your punishment," i wink.

"Punishment, you say?" she raises her eyebrow.

I want to say something, when she attacks me with a pillow. Before i can do anything she grabs my wrists and holds them above my head. She leans down to me and our lips almost meet. Almost.

She grins. It's not dirty. It's a mixture of cute and sexy. II had no idea until now that such thing was ever possible.

She leans down and starts kissing my neck. Shivers go up my spine. 

I close my eyes.

The kisses go down.

But suddenly...

I felt something like this before.

Those memories...

But ... Oh no...

Suddenly it's not Byul, who is kissing me.

It's him.




She straightens up and lets go of my arms. Her face is right above mine.

"What's wrong?"

I immediately feel like the worst person in the world. Her eyes are horrified of the idea she might do something unpleasant to me. She cares about me so much. How can she resemble that idiot i dated back then? How can i be so stupid.

I force myself to smile. "Nothing," I give her a cute kiss. "I'm just... still sleepy and confused..."

"Alright..." she doesnt believe that at all but she lets it go and i love her for that.

I hug her her again.

"Hey, you guys?" Hyejin's voice yells at us from behind the door. "You up?"

"Sure, come on in," I tell her.

She comes in and sits on the bed next to us. Im relieved she's not formal with us, because her being comfortable with me, actually made me comfortable with her.

"Did you read the message?" she says, worried.

"What message?

"The email the company sent. They apparently already decided who will continue and who will not."

"Really? Shouldnt they do it more dramatically on cameras and not like this in private?"

"They will, but we should know ahead so that we know what to say in those interviews... sometimes this business doesnt make sense to me..."

"Soo? Are we in or out?" Byul asks.

"We are all in," Hyejin says, still looking upset.

"But that's great, oh my god!" I yell.

"Yeah, yea..."

"It's not?"

"Well... there's quite a high chance that... not all of us will be in next time... it is actually... a 100% chance... basically it is sure."

"What are you saying??" i dont understand.

She hands me her phone with an email opened. "The next theme for the performances are duels. One person from the duel will stay in, the other one will be eliminated. And they have decided, that they will keep the couples from duets for duels as well."

"That means..."

"That means that next week it's me against Wheein and you two against each other. So no matter what... we can't debut as the four of us. Two will stay, two will go. There's no other way."

* read comment's for author's note *

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