29. Safe

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(Byul pov):

Christopher is put it handcuffs. He's so weak, he doesnt say a word, looks down and lets the policemen take him.

It was Wheein who called the police. It was Hyejin, who made him unconscius with the pan. It was Yeongsun who punched him and was ready to give up herself to him to save us.

What did I do?

Just stood there and yelled. Bought time for Hyejin. It was incredibly hard not to look at her, but I knew i had to do it. But what did I really do?

Yeong is trembling in my hug. I hold her tight, repeating to her that everything is fine, that she is safe now.

But is she?

Is she really safe with me? If there wasnt for the girls coming back home... if i just checked if he wasnt following me...

What if they arrest him just for a while and then he comes back?

We must get him arrested for long. For all he did.

"So that is... stalking, unauthorised entry into your home, physical attack, threatening with a knife, and... did you mention domestic abuse before?" asks the officer.

Yeong sniffs, staring to the floor.

"I see," the officer understands. "If he doesnt deny what happened here today, it can get him arrested, but... If you want to be sure and be safe, I would recommend you to speak up about the past too."

With that, she says her goodbyes and joins her collegues outside, who drive Christopher away.

"My cousin is a lawyer, we can get him deported," Hyejin says immediately.

"But... can you do that, when he's only half foreigner?" I wonder.

"I believe my cousin can do that either way."

I dont know if its appropriate but I smile. I love Hyejin for not losing humor in this situation.

"I'm not sure I want to do this," Yeongsun says suddenly.

"Sweetie," Wheein hugs her from the other side. "I know, it's hard. But we're with you! We will help you get away from this guy!"

"No..." she sighs. "Look what he did to Byul... Because of me-"

"Not because of you!" I snap. "And look what did he do to you! That man is going to hell!"

But she gets out of my hug.

"I will move out. To keep you safe."

We all protest loud.

"I will lock you in your room, if i see a suitcase in your hand," Hyejin says and Yeong finally smiles.

We chit chat for a while to make ourselves calmer. Then we lock the door, double check it and then block it with furniture. We know he's with the police now but... you know. We felt we had to. To feel safer.

When we get ready to sleep, and Wheein and Hyejin disappear in their rooms, I look Yeong in the eyes.

"I'm sorry," I say. 

She looks at me confused.

"I'm sorry I lead him here.. that i did not call police as soon as he hit me... that i even let him... that i did not protect you better! Im sorry i didnt do anything!"

"Byul.." she whispers, stroking my cheek.

"I'm trying to make you feel safe with me... but I feel like I'm failing..." I tear up.

She looks down. "Its not your fault, Byul. It's me. Because you're my girlfriend you are in danger now. I dont want you to be."

"I'm not. I just want you to be safe, I-"

"I think we should break up."

I remain staring at her.

"If we separate, if you move back to your place... you will be safer."

"I dont think so."

"He'll get me one day, sooner or later. This way I keep you safe, at least."

"Do you still love him?"


"So dont be with him!"

"It's not that easy," she frowns.

"It is."


"Yeong... Ok.. Lets breakup. If that's what you really want. Do you really want to separate? Did you stop loving me?"

A tear falls down her cheek. "I love you, Byuli."

"So i dont think that's what you want."

"What do you think I want? What do you think we should do?"

I give her a smile, and take her hand.

"How about... we get married?"

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