8. Sun

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[Byul pov.]:

My mood immediately drops where it's been the moment Yongsun left me on the bathroom floor.

She literally just got my number to threaten me. Was it even a blackmail?

Wasn't she the one who inniciated all of this? Why should I be the one to be blackmailed? ... Kim Yongsun, you are a pretty weirdo.

As much as I want to be mad at her and hate her, I cannot help to smile when I think about the moment our lips met. I want to feel this again.

I shake my head.

I have no idea how to explain her behaviour to myself. First she hates me, then she kisses me as if i was the love of her life and then leaves and threatens me... Damn. Women, huh?

Was she just scared to let people know she was a lesbian? What was so bad about it? I mean... It's ok to say it to other lesbians at least?? Especially when you kiss them!

I feel the blood running to my head and I suddenly feel angry and sad for her. Maybe she's just too scared. Scared of her own emotions.

Should i be helping her?

Maybe it would be good. Maybe i could help her feel more confident in her identity and then she won't feel the need to threaten me...

Well, first she needs to trust me, right?

I unlock my phone. I tap on her number and send a text message:

*I won't tell a word to anyone. If you ever need my help, I'm here. :) *

I send the message quickly before I have a chance to hesitate and can't help but notice my hands are all shaking.

[Do you want to save this contact?] asks my phone.

I tap yes and am about to fill in the name. Should i just write Yeongsun or should i come up with some code, like... The weird girl that hates my guts but has a special feeling for my chest?

I smile and just write the first thing that comes to my mind. "Sun".

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