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Richies POV: 

My alarm went off, the most horrid sound to wake up to on a Monday morning, I rolled over and shoved my face in my pillow. "Not now please" I murmured. I rolled back over and looked over at my phone what was lying down on the floor beside my bed, I stared at it sleepily hoping I had telekinesis powers so it could turn on without me having to move and risk falling off my bed, it didn't though. I groaned and reached down and grabbed it, I felt around my bedside table in search of my glasses when I found them nearly falling off due to the chaos I caused due to searching for them. I shoved them on my face and turned on my phone to 3 missed calls from Bev. 

You called? 

Molly <3:
Three times trashmouth.

Molly <3:
i thought you died so i was checking if your coming tody which you are xoxo



If you can't tell, I don't like school.  

I got up slowly trying not to trip over the piles of dirty clothes scattered all over my room. I looked over at my broken mirror, "I'm a fucking mess." I muttered to myself. I searched around my floor to find something to wear. I picked up the thrasher jumper that I wore yesterday, I shrugged and found a pair of jeans and a vans shirt when I got changed I put on my checkered socks and my offwhite converse high tops. I looked in the broken mirror once again and ruffled my hair and walked out into the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and put on my Chanel Bleu Cologne and ran downstair while grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder, I grabbed the skateboard that was awaiting me at the door until I was stopped. My mom was standing behind me, "no kiss goodbye?" she asked. I swung around to face her and gave her a goofy smile as she grabbed my arm, she inspected it. "I told you Went! new bruises every day due to skating!" she said to my dad who was sitting behind his newspaper at the table. He chucked at folded the newspaper "hun, he's a teenage boy, they have to get hurt once and a while" he winked at me and i winked back. Mom laughed and kissed and hugged me while slipping a brown lunch bag in my bag. "Moooooom" I groaned and she put on her serious face "you need your nutrients, now hurry," she said while pushing me out the door. I waved my dad goodbye and started riding to school. 

Stans POV: 

I woke up on Bev's floor, "that's right-" I whispered.  I saw her roll over and look at me "Good morning Stannie" she smiled, "I called Rich and he's coming today." she said still smiling. I rubbed my eyes and stretched out my arms, "what time is it..?" I asked sleepily, "time for you to get your ass up, my aunt made pancakes." she giggled. I smiled, I loved seeing her happy after what happened with her dad. I saw her look through my clothes drawer, I basically lived at Bev's, so did Richie, we both have our own draw of clothes. She pulled out a pair of grey ripped jeans and a black and white collared shirt and threw them to me, "we can match!" she giggled while she went into her own drawer and pulled out a black and white plaid dress and denim jacket. I smiled, she was honestly adorable, I slowly got up and walked into the bathroom and got changed while she changed in her room, when I was done she was waiting for with a comb, I knew what was coming, but hey I have to keep her happy. She sat me down on the floor so she could comb my hair, Richie called it my noodle hair, I hate that kid sometimes. When she was done she looked proud so she got her mirror and showed me, "I love it, Bev!" I smiled and she smiled back, I put on my checked vans and she put on her boots and we walked downstairs. We greeted her aunt, man I love her and she makes the best pancakes to exist, she's so sweet. "Morning babies" she smiled proudly. "Morning," we both said smiling back at her. We ate the pancakes, said goodbye and walked to school. 

Bills POV:

I stared at the bathroom mirror, "just l-look good for o-once Bill." I groaned and combed my hair to the side "d-d-do this for g-geor-" I stopped and shook my head and brushed my teeth looking at the family picture through the mirror. "f-f-for fuck s-sake B-bill!" I stormed out and found a pair of old worn sneakers, I didn't care today I just couldn't handle anything, my patients was close to nothing. I threw random books into my school bag and walked out into the living room, no one was home, of course, it was like this now. I heard a knock at my door, I grabbed a granola bar from the fridge and walked and opened the door to see Mike, Ben, and Eddie waiting for me. "Hey Bill!" they all said in sync like they rehearsed. "H-hi," I said quietly while walking out and shutting the door behind me. 

Eddies POV:

We all walked out after Bill, something was wrong, Me, Ben and Mike all looked at each other waiting for someone to speak up, "So has anyone sparked your interests yet?" Mike asked the group, we all looked at the boy he was wearing grey sweats and a singlet, "Mike no" ben shook his head and laughed, he was wearing an oversized shirt with a black Lamborghini on it, he was wearing unripped low waist jeans and worn Nike shoes. I laughed and so did Bill, "I've l-l-liked the same g-girl s-since the 3rd g-grade" Bill laughed. Ben went silent then nervously laughed. "Hey look! its Richie, Stanley and Beverly!" Mike whispered shouted. I nudged him and rolled my eyes, "they think they're too cool for everyone" I muttered. "Did you hear what happened to Beverly? Her dad sexually assaulted her, so he went to jail.."Mike whispered. Ben nudged Mike "shush" Ben said while they walked into the school gates. 

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