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Richies and Stans  POV:

When we walked into Bev's place, we were greeted by her aunt, we all hugged her, I could stay in that hug forever, we all sat around the dining room table eating the watermelon that was cut up for our arrival, we all ate in silence until we were finished, "thankyou!" Bev said while giving her auntie a kiss on the cheek, "I and the boys are going upstairs now!" she giggled and we nodded, Bev ran up there first to see if she had awkward things lying around but we were used to it. Stan ran his hands through his hair and sat down on his bed that was already put out by her aunt. "Man, your aunt sure loves us" Richie laughed, Stan laughed, Bev just nodded, "I bet she'd love Bill too," Stan said smirking which caused Bev to throw a pillow at him, "shhh, she doesn't know!" she laughed, we all laughed until dinner.

Eddies POV:

Why? Why did he have to come? I laid down and looked at the ceiling, what did he do..? WAIT! why am I being soft for him?! he's a 'drug addict', But maybe Bills right, I mean he's always right but, Richie Tozier, why his friend, why can't it be another girl? "why her, why her," I shoved my face in my pillow, I could scream, but I don't because mom would go ballistic, I hate it here. I mean, Stanleys not that bad, he's the quietest compared to Richie and Beverly, and I don't really believe what they say about her, she's gorgeous. But Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier, he's different, I've never really spoken to him, so I just assume these things about him, maybe i should stop... "Wait what the fuck Eddie, just stop!" I took a puff from my puffer, "just sleep it off, you see them in the morning... 

"Wait, I should call mike!" I said while sitting up, "it wouldn't harm anyone..." I found mikes Contact and called him.

And after 4 rings, he picked up, 

Hey Mikey, sorry for calling I just need someone to talk to. 


Hey Ed, what do you wanna talk about?

I wanted to say Richie Tozier, but I didn't. 


Hows the farm? 


ok, ok (he paused) there was a new lamb born today, and she was born in a patch of daffodils so we called her daffodil!

You NEED to send me photos Mikey NOW!!!

Mike put you on speaker. 

Mike sent one attachment:

Mike took you off speaker

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Mike took you off speaker.



I took a puff from my puffer. 


Shit grandad is calling me for dinner, see ya tomorrow Ed.


See ya Mikey.

Mike ended the call.

I laid on my bed for a solid 5 minutes, I wish I wasn't a pussy, so I could tell Mike what's happening.

"They're trouble." 

shortish chapter darls :)

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