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"cmon, hurry up eddie-" bill said, slightly unpatient. "wait, i didn't even get to pick truth or dare..!" yelled eddie, "you only just picked up on that?" asked khloe, "hmph, fine. bill, truth or dare." eddie said slightly grumpy. "u-uh, d-dare?" bill said slightly worried. khloe shifted positions nervously, "oOoOOo, spicy" richie said while smirking at bill, "shut up richie, now bill i dare you too tell us who you like" eddie said with a grin, bills eyes widened, "w-well uhh, i m-mean.." he stuttered. "geez spit it out, buh-buh bill" laughed richie, bill flipped him off. "you guys don't know her! her names abbie and she goes to another school!" bill said suddenly with no stutter. khloes face darkened, maybe he was lying? richie cleared his throat and looked at his sister, he looked at his wrist, "oh look at the time! we gotta go!" he said while jumping up, he signalled khloe to get up and so she did, "oh i forgot it's spaghetti night!" she laughed, "dad sure loves his spaghetti!" she laughed and so did richie but nervously. "bye?" eddie and bill said perfectly in sync. the tozier's walked out of the denbrough household to khloe bursting out in tears, richie held her "shhhh its gonna be okay..." he whispered.

eddies SHORT pov:
that was a bit weird-
i looked out the window to Richie hugging his sister, man he wasn't really that bad... was i overwriting him?
"bill..." i said, "who's abbie..?"

Bill and Eddies POV:
"o-oh abbie.... s-shes..."
"imaginary. bill i'm not that stupid."
"who do you like then? wait? isn't it Bev?"
"n-n-not exactly.."
"it's khloe for sure!"
Eddie jumped up, "i knew it! i fucking knew it!" bill sat there speechless, "you let that poor soul, go out knowing that you like an imaginary girl!" eddie shouted. Bill just nodded.
"shes probably outside crying while hugging her brother that i nought was a dick!"

these are short but deal with it :)

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