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The kids all looked at each other and nodded, were they actually going to get along? or was it to just impress Khloe and Anthony?

"Let's go then!" Bev said while stripping down into her red one-piece, Everyone watched her until Khloe unbuttoned her plaid dress to reveal her black bikini. 

Bills POV:

"What was going on? Do I even like Beverly still?" I thought. I watched them until I snapped out of my thoughts, everyone was in the water...

Everyone's POV:

"Come on Bill!" Khloe Laughed. She had learnt everyone's names in a matter of minutes, Bill jumped in with no hesitation. Richie was floating on his back, Anthony was talking to Beverly, Eddie was on Stans's shoulders while versing Khloe and Bill while playing chicken, and Ben just watching Anthony and Beverly while talking to Mike. Once Khloe was done with chicken she swam over to Richie and dunked him under making him squeal, Once he came back to the surface, Khloe was waiting, "Rich.." she whispered, Richie rubbed his eyes, "Yeah?" Khloe took a deep breath, "Uhm, how do you get someones attention?" she asked softly and Richie laughed and looked at Bill who was sitting at the waters edge skimming rocks, "talk to him Khlo," He smiled, he loved helping his sister, he missed her. Khloe nodded and hugged Richie "thanks rich," she said before swimming over to the boy skimming rocks. 

Bills POV again:

I was thinking to myself until I saw someone swim up to me, it made me smile inside, I'm pretty sure I was blushing. "Hey!" She said smiling, "h-h-hey..!" I stuttered you gotta be kidding me, this stutter needs to fuck off for a moment. "sooo, are you gonna come back in?" she asked, oh god, she wants me in there? I can't say no. "y-yeah I w-will, just need a b-breather" she nodded, she seems so understanding and kind. "Great! I needed someone to hang out with, Anthony is giving Beverly love eyes 24/7" she giggled, I now know, I like Khloe...not Bev. 

Khloe's POV:

I smiled and he smiled back, I looked over at Richie, he did thumbs up and did a horrible kissing impression, I guess he's never kissed, anyone. I looked back at Bill and watched him slide into the water, I giggled, I've never felt this way before, do I like Bill? I can't, I only met him like an hour ago, but it feels so right, he's different, he's not a fuckboy... he's different. I snapped out of my daydreaming session to see Beverly and Anthony talking to Eddie, I looked around to see Bill right next to me looking at the same thing, I turned my body to him and splashed, he splashed back, I giggled but I kept admiring him... his hair, eyes, his stutter.... his shirtless body. Wait thats a bit creepy-  

"You alright?" I heard him asking, fuck I look like an idiot "Yup!" I said a bit too sudden, "sorry" I muttered, "he shrugged and dunked me under the water, jokes on him I can hold my breath for a solid minute and 23.3 seconds. I swam to the other side of him and tapped him on the back, he squealed and I giggled like a maniac, I stopped because he went red.

Bills POV again:

I looked at her, "you wanna come over to my place after this?" I asked, was that a bit too soon? She smiled "I would love too!" she giggled. Thank fuck I thought. At this point, I was just admiring her until Richie swam over and thank god he did. 

No one's POV:

"hey, guys!" Richie said happily while smirking at Khloe, Khloe rolled her eyes, "what's goin' on here?" he asked. "just m-making p-p-plans for a-after" Bill stuttered nervously, Khloe nodded. Richie made kissing noises, "you goin' back to yours Big Bill?" Richie said "because if you are, I will be coming so there are no pre-marriage mistakes," he said while nudging Khloe, Bill nodded and laughed nervously, "then, Bill should invite Eddie!" Khloe said looking and smiling at Bill. Richie shook his head, "o-o-okay! ill call him o-over!" and so he did and before they knew it Eddie was treading water before there eyes, he looked annoyed, probably because Richie was right next to him, "w-w-want to come o-over?" Eddie lightened up a bit, "sure!", Richie glared at Khloe what made her shrug and smirk.

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