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i'm starting with Bens POV, but it was when they where leaving the quarry :)

Bens POV:
Damn... Beverly and Anthony were already close, i watched them closely, they were laughing together. "your hilarious!" i heard bev say, i know we never have really spoken one on one but it still hurts. Beverly looked over at me and waved, i waved back of course, it hurt seeing her so happy with Anthony, before i knew it they were walking over to me. "Hey Ben!" i heard Bev say, Anthony waved, i think Anthony is shy. "..hey!" i said trying not to sound suspicious, "it was cool seeing you today," she smiled, "we should hang out sometime!" i felt my eyes light up, beverly wants to hang out with me? i mean since bill supposedly likes khloe now, "uhh, yeah sure!" i said, i probably sounded like a idiot. "well it was nice to see you ben! we better get going now, see ya ben," she giggled, "cmon Ant!" man she already had a nickname for him, "see ya ben" Anthony said while flashing me a smile, and they both walked away.

Bills POV again (SORRY) :
it was an hour later and Eddie was gone, and the toziers went home. I heard a familiar knock at my door and before i knew it someone stepped in.

no ones POV but at Bills?:
Bill groaned and turned his body towards the figure, "what do you want?" Bill said softly, the boy looked at him and sat at his desk, "mom told me that there was a girl over" he said, Bill nodded, "is she your girlfriend?" Bill flinched, "n-no i messed up m-my chances a-a-anyways" bill mumbled while looking at the ground, the boy sighed, "you'll get her Billy" he paused "now who were the other kids that were here?" he asked. "Richie and Khloe Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak." bill said still looking at the ground, "wow i'm proud of you bro" the boy said smiling, bill looked up at him, "the toziers are pretty cool" Bill threw a pillow at his brother, "oh shut up lucas."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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