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(might include swearing)

no ones POV: 

Bills group walked over to their spot under an oak tree, that's where they've hung out ever since they met each other, they've been together since. And Richie's group just stood around, they normally would be behind the school smoking, but they've decided to hang around with the rest of the school. 

Bens POV: 

There I was, I didn't get to look at Bev's beauty that much due to her always skipping or being behind the school, but today was different I thought, they weren't smoking nor laughing, they were just standing there. I must've been in some kind of trance because someone was yelling in my ear, "earth to ben!" Eddie yelled slightly, "Jesus Christ, what?" I said with a slight attitude. "Y-y-you were in a t-t-trance" Bill stuttered. "Imagine being like them, being cool," Mike said while glancing at the others, "Hey! they're just a bunch of self absorbant dicks, especially Tozier." Eddie yelled slightly again. "Y-y-you don't k-know that," Bill said with his 'believe me' face. "Prove it." Eddie said getting frustrated, he crossed his arms, "Please no," I said. If they came over id have to face Beverly, I can't do that. but it was too late Mike had already called them over. 

Beverly, Richie, and Stan walked over and Ben was shitting his pants.

Eddies POV: 

'They were actually coming,' I thought. I inhaled and exhaled, why was I scared? why was I scared of a birdwatcher, a 'slut' and an 'emo'? Before I knew it mike had said something and i snapped out of my trance. "Hey! you guys looked pretty bored over there" Mike squeaked, Bill and Ben had the same look on their face, it was guilt. Before I could say something Richie muttered something "It was better than here" he said, and because of that comment Stanley elbowed him in the side, "Yeah, we're not really used to..." before Stan could finish Bev cut him off "being, in the open" she said and fake smiled. 'God, they're so fake I' thought, I stood there and crossed my arms. 

Beverlys POV: 

God, I didn't want to be there, we were being judged, we needed to get out of there before Richie spoke his mind, and that wouldn't have been good, we needed to go. It was silence until a kid named Ben spoke up "what do you guys do?", oh god, Richie is gonna fuck this up even more, please no, please no. "I could ask you the same" Richie said looking him up and down, Stan looked at me and i looked back. "Jesus christ Rich, you forgot to take your ADHD pills!" Stan said while pulling Richie back, "sorry we have to go..!" I pitched in, Stan grabbed Richie's hand and we walked to the back of the school. 

Mikes POV: 

Eddie stood there looking smug and his arms crossed, "I told you so" we all groaned, "that went so bad" I muttered. "But d-did you see Bevs o-o-outifit?!" Bill seemed highly excited. We all just stood there, saying nothing, there was nothing to say. 

(Short chapter sorry!) 

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