nnvhjja f. ô( i'm not gonna be jusing capitals half way throughkkZm cause i'm lazy :) )

The kids all went their somewhat separate ways apart from Richie, Eddie, Bill, and Khloe.

"Pre-marriage my ass," Khloe said while grabbing her bike, "Pre-marriage?" asked Eddie while also grabbing his bike, Richie looked at Bill and shrugged and then glared at Richie, "It is my job to protect my sister from creating a soul." Richie said glumly, "and watch your language or ill tell mom." Bill grabbed his Bike and looked at Eddie, "Bill and Khloe were gonna fuck?" asked Eddie confusedly, "yes." replied Richie while getting on his bike. "actually shut the fuck up Richie, I will fucking murder you." yelled Khloe.

( @ big bills )

The kids dumped their bikes and were invited inside, they said hello to bills family then went up to his room.
Khloe sat down on the bed, next to bill, Richie sat at bills desk and eddie sat on the floor.
"so what now?" asked bill, everyone shrugged. "how about a game of truth or dare?" suggested eddie, that time everyone nodded. "who's starting?" asked khloe, "i will" richie said whole raising his hand, he cleared his throat. "so eds, why do you hate me so much?" he smirked, eddie rolled his eyes "first of all, don't call me eds, and second, i dunno" he said dumbly. "wait wait wait, you don't know why you hate me?" asked richie. khloe and bill looked at eachother and shrugged, "yup" eddie muttered. "that  makes no fucking sense!" richie said while throwing his hands up.

short chapter sorryyy

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