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Stanleys POV:

We dragged Richie to the back of the school, the bell had gone but none of us cared, "good going fucknut'," I said rolling my eyes. Richie just grunted, he can be a real dick sometimes, "I think they're cute" Bev said slightly enthusiastic, Me and Richie looked at her "not as cute as you guys though" she smiled and ruffled Richie's hair. "They were so judging us," Richie finally said, "They probably think that we are what everyone says about us" Bev whispered while pulling a cigarette pack from her bra, she grabbed one and lit it. It was true I thought, were known as the 'druggos' or the 'sluts', But look at us, Bevs a model, Richies a skater and I like birdwatching. Before I could say something a teacher appeared from the corner "Tozier, Marsh and Uris, Class now!" we groaned said our goodbyes and walked our opposite ways. 

Eddies POV: 

I was just sitting there casually until I saw Tozier walk-in, "oh fuck" I murmured. He said something to the teacher, probably making up an excuse as to why he was late but everyone knows he was probably behind the school. "He was probably doing drugs behind the school Miss," Henry Bowers spoke up, Richie looked at him "Actually I was doing your mom Bowers" he smirked and sat down at the back of the class, "Thank you Mr. Tozier" I heard the teacher mutter, shes probably over the bullshit along with the rest of the class. I felt someone looking at me, I turned around to find Richie Fucking Tozier carving things into his skateboard. I looked at me and he looked at me, 2 seconds of direct eye contact with that boy, I turned around quickly and rested my head in my hands. 

Bevs POV:

I walked into the class that I had with Bill, he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. I liked Bill, he was cute, "Late Miss Marsh?" I heard the teacher ask, "obviously" I muttered while taking my seat next to him, "h-h-hey B-Bev" I heard him whisper, "I l-like your o-o-o" it was like he couldn't get the word out so I cut him off, "thanks" I smiled. He smiled back, man after what happened I couldn't imagine him being happy again. I turned back to the teacher who was putting up math equations, I looked at then confused, Bill must have seen that I was confused so he leaned over, "y-you d-divide t-the top n-number" he said quietly, "alright thanks" I smiled again, I did the question and I'm pretty sure I got it wrong but oh well, finally after 70 minutes of math we got 5 minutes of talking. I looked at Bill again, "I'm sorry what happened with Richie" I said, "h-hey i-its a-alright" he said, man, this kid is so cute, "we don't socialize that much" I murmured, he nodded and after a minute of silence, "me and m-my friends are g-going to the q-q-quarry t-tomorrow, i-if y-y-you-", I cut him off again "I would love to, and is it alright if I bring Rich and Stan?" he nodded and that's when the bell went, "i-ill see you t-tomorrow B-Beverly" he said, I nodded this time, packed up my stuff and went to the back of the school to meet Richie and Stan. 

Bills POV:

Man was I happy, the girl of my dreams is coming to the quarry! I need to tell the guys! I ran over to them, they were already at our spot, Eddie was taking his pills, Ben was reading and Mike was on his phone, "G-guys g-guess what!" I said when I arrived, they all looked at me and shrugged, "Beverly and h-her friends are c-coming to the q-quarry!" I said excitedly, Eddie looked at me shocked and Ben looked excited and Mike, he looked normal. "No way!" Eddie yelled while taking a puff from his puffer, I looked at Eddie with an attempt of puppy eyes "please we hardly know them" I said without a stutter, "fine." he finally gave in, me and ben both laughed with excitement and mike just smiled.

Richies POV:

Bev looked excited, I looked at Stan and shrugged, she ended up telling us on how she likes Bill a lot and at the end, she said that we were going down to the quarry with them. Stans's eyes went wide "No way, Bev!" he shrieked, "Richie might fuck up again," he said. I looked at him, "I mean he's right" I shrugged, Bev looked down sadly, "please?", I looked t stan and he looked at me, it was like we were thinking the same thing, I counted down from 3 with my fingers "7" we both said and groaned, "Okay Bev, we'll come" I said and she giggled and hugged us, "sleepover at mine!" she giggled. I pulled out my phone and called my mom, she loved Bev, she loved her like the daughter shes always wanted. Stan called his dad, "he said yes," he said, "same here" I said happily. 

Finally, it was the end of the day and everyone went home. 

Hi! i really like this chapter! Have a good day/night :)

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